Saturday, December 03, 2005

We are moving!!!

We found out today that we got orders to Iceland. We have to be there by June 10, 2006. I didn't know what to think at first, but now I am excited. We are going to get to see parts of the world that I would normally never get to see. We will only be there for two years then we need to decide what we are going to do next. Either come back to the states or go on another overseas tour. We will decide that once we are in Iceland. From the pictures we looked at Iceland is very beautiful and other places are very close to travel to. We will miss our family and friends very much. Now everyone has a reason to go overseas. We will be back to visit, also.


Untermeyer said...

What a surprise to get orders. It will be hard at first to leave everyone but once you get there you will have so much too see and experience. Iceland is one of the places we are hoping will be open when the listing comes out in Feb. So you never know we may see you there!! That would be awesome!!

brenduray said...

That is really cool. Even though I'm going to miss you guys. I might have to come visit while you are there. I have a passport already.

Lisa said...

Wow! You'll enjoy it, I'm sure. :0)