Monday, December 12, 2005

Alyssa and Santa!!!

Here Alyssa with Santa.
Alyssa started giving kisses this last week it is so cute.
I changed the setting on our blog so anyone can make comments.
I hope this is more convenient for all of you.
Merry Christmas!!!


Anonymous said...

I am glad you changed your settings. I love looking at all the pictures.


brenduray said...

What did she think of Santa? I hope she didn't cry.

Gruenes said...

Alyssa didn't cry at all. She did give Santa a little tug on his beard, but that is about it.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for changing the setting. I've wanted to make comments before but didn't because I didn't know how to get logged in.

Anxious to see Alyssa at Christmas and hopefully, she will be awake for some of the time. :-)

Love, La Vonne