Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Playtime with Daddy

Here is Alyssa with a new toy. We use it to practice sitting up. I think Bill likes it more than Alyssa does. Today was a big day for Alyssa she cut her first tooth. We noticed one coming in on Saturday and it broke the skin today. Bill thinks the other one is coming too, but I don't see anything yet. Alyssa also said her first word "hi" this past weekend. She has been saying it for a while now, but she made it obvious this weekend.

Mom, look at the fish!!!


Alyssa's Bedroom

Alyssa is in this picture.
She played in her crib while we got things put up.
We finally got a couple of things up on Alyssa's walls.
It's not much, but better than nothing at all.
So, I had to get a picture of her room for her babybook.

The giggley girl.

Here is me blowing on Alyssa's belly.
She was giggling like crazy.

Grandpa & Alyssa

Always serious for the camera.

Alyssa w/ Cousins Amanda & Breanna

Here are the three youngest girls on the Solem side
Amanda 15, Alyssa almost 8 months, and Breanna 10.

Great-Grandpa Donald & Alyssa


Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Alyssa's first Thanksgiving.
She is in her new Eeyore outfit.

Just had a bath!!!

Alyssa nice and clean after a bath.

Alyssa & Mommy caught taking a nap

Here is a picture of Alyssa & I taking a nap.
Bill caught us on his lunch break.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Look at me in my big girl carseat!!!

She has lots of room to grow in this carseat.
Alyssa got to ride home in her new carseat. She just doesn't like to travel to much. We had to stop in Rothsay and Fargo on the way home from Melrose, but it did only take us about 5 hours to get home instead of 7 hours. It sure was nice to finally get home.

Another flashback!!!

Alyssa's last day in her first carseat.
Quite a big difference in just 6 months. They grow up way to fast.

Alyssa, Mommy & Cousin Stella

Here is a picture of the two youngest granddaughters in their pj's.

More pictures of Alyssa & Sam

Here are some more pictures of Alyssa and Sam.
They are so cute!!!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Flashback with Grandma & Grandpa Gruenes

Alyssa and Sam at 7 months old.
Alyssa and Sam at two months old.
Quite a bit of a change.

Alyssa & Cousin Sam

Alyssa pinching Sam's cheek. She is one rough girl.
Alyssa and Sam are exactly two weeks apart. And you can't tell one from the other when they make noises or cry. Usually I can pick Alyssa out from other babies no problem, but not with Sam around. Alyssa had a great time playing with Sam.

Alyssa with Aunt Nancy

Happy Birthday Aunt Nancy on the 22nd!!!
I bet you can't wait until next year:o)

Alyssa with Great-Grandma Klein

I just love this picture!!!

Alyssa with Cousins Matt & John


Alyssa with Cousin Sandy!!!

Here is a picture of the oldest and youngest granddaughter.
They are so cute!!!

Alyssa with Grandma & Grandpa Gruenes

(Bill took the blurry picture!)

Alyssa playing with DaDa!!!

Bill, Alyssa and I left for Melrose today to celebrate Thanksgiving with the Gruenes side. A three hour drive took us seven hours. Alyssa doesn't like to travel to much. We had to stop in Fargo and Fergus Falls, so Alyssa could get out of her carseat. We got her a new carseat (a big girl carseat) when we stopped in Fargo.

Monday, November 21, 2005

16 pounds 13 ounces

Alyssa had her synagis shot today and did a great job.
Here is a picture of her practicing sitting up, it won't be long now.

Playing with Mommy!!!


Our sick little girl:o(

Alyssa and I got our flu shots today. Alyssa didn't do so good with hers, she threw up twice and has had a cold for a week now. I do have to say she is one happy sick baby. After she threw up she was just as happy as can be. The first night was pretty rough, I slept in her room. She woke up a few times and we had to suck the boogers out of her nose because she was having a hard time breathing. I felt so bad for her.

Monday, November 14, 2005

She finally did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alyssa has been rolling from back to belly for quite awhile now, on the 13th of this month she finally rolled from belly to back. The top picture was taken right before she rolled from belly to back for the first time. All it took was doing it a couple of times. Now she just keeps going over and over. I ran downstairs for a minute today when I got back upstairs she was already to the stairs. It looks like we are going to have to get some gates and get everything moved up, so she doesn't get into it. Now we are on to our next mission: sitting up. I love watching her go through every milestone in her life.

I must have that toy!!!

This is one of Alyssa's favorite toys.
She gets so excited over pretty much any toy.

Snugglin' with Daddy!!!


I'm a little cutie!!!

Here is Alyssa in her new Adidas outfit.
She is stylin'.

Alyssa singing to her mobile.


Thursday, November 10, 2005

Is it Christmas time already?

Alyssa decide that it is time to move on to 6-9 month clothes this week. Here she is in her Christmas pajamas, I just don't think they are going to fit her at Christmas, so she might as well get some use out of them before they don't fit her at all:o) Look she's even smiling!!! Thanks to Daddy.

Alyssa playing with her baby gym.


15 pound marker for me!!!

I had an appointment at the gym today to have my body fat measured. As of today I have lost 15 pounds and went from 30% body fat to 26.7%. I just wanted to share that with all of you, I am proud of myself. Now I just have 4 more pounds to lose, but that is going to be hard now that Thanksgiving and Christmas are coming up. I would like to lose more weight once I get back to my prebaby weight, but we will see how that goes.

Ready for bed.

Here is Alyssa and Daddy all ready for bed.
Alyssa in some new jamas.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Look at me!!!

She is so sweet!!!

Alyssa with Great-Grandpa Donald & Evangeline


Look what I got!!!

Here are some pictures of Alyssa in her newest toy, a saucer. She really likes it and we have found that she likes the sunshine the best, it is always soaked. It was the perfect time to get her this, her feet just touch the bottom on the lowest setting.