Friday, December 30, 2005

Alyssa and Daddy

Here is Alyssa petting Daddy's hair. She makes him bend his head down just so she can pet him. As soon as her bottle goes in her mouth she reaches up her little hand to pet whoever is feeding her. She is the sweetest baby ever!!!

Alyssa said "DaDaDaddy" today!!!

Here is Alyssa in her new Pooh outfit from Grandma & Grandpa.
So far Alyssa says "hi", "hey", "a", and now "dadadaddy". I will have to work on Mommy with her now that I finally got her to say "dada"!!!

What an innocent look

Alyssa taking a break from her toys.

Alyssa with all her new toys!!!

Here is Alyssa with all her new toys. I wanted to take a picture with everything, but there is no way it would have all fit in the picture. She got a whole lot of clothes and books, too.
Thank you everyone!!!!

What a sweetheart!!!

Alyssa just finished giving her new baby glo worm kisses, several times. Like I was saying before she only has a certain few that she gives kisses to. She is such a sweet baby.

Working on crawling

Alyssa tries so hard to crawl. She has all the correct form, but can't figure out how to move her legs. She can push herself backward or she flops forward. She gets so frustrated. I think she will get it soon.

A visit from Uncle Ben



Alyssa was so excited to see her Uncle Ben when he came to visit this week. I guess Bill was trying to feed Alyssa and she just kept shaking her head over and over and was flirting with her Uncle. Alyssa didn't want to go to bed that night because she knew Ben was still at our house. She cried so hard and only quieted down when Ben came in the room and cried even harder when he left the room. Alyssa even gave Ben kisses, she only gives a select few kisses.

LouAnn's 50th Birthday party!!!

We all took a fun bus to Shooting Star Casino on Monday for LouAnn's 50th birthday. There were seventeen of us and we all had a good time. I didn't win any money, but I did have a good time hanging out with my family.

Christmas Day Pictures at the McWilliams

Alyssa & Great-Grandma Lyla

Marissa, MarJenna & Alyssa

Alyssa and Grandpa

Mommy, Alyssa & Great Grandma

Alyssa, LaVonne, & Marissa

Alyssa and MarJenna

On to Santa gifts!!!

Here is Alyssa opening a couple of her santa presents.

Christmas morning with Uncle Nate

Oh look it's another cute smile caught on camera.
The two sleeping beauties got the sleep they needed. Nathan was so exhausted when he got home that he fell asleep before we even opened gifts Christmas Eve night. He is working two full-time jobs and had to do his Christmas shopping over the last two days, so he had not slept in two whole days.
It sure was nice to get to spend the little time we did with him.
Alyssa misses her Uncle.

Alyssa opening another present

Christmas Eve night.
By this time Alyssa was a little crabby from being up so long with very little nap time. Alyssa got a Baby Einstein octopus piano with animal sound and music and a lobster teething ring from Auntie CoCo and Uncle Pete for her toy part of her gift. She loves playing with the piano
and chewing on the lobster even better.

The last of the farm Christmas pictures

Uncle Nathan, Alyssa
and Lion butt of course
Alyssa in Uncle's hat.

Alyssa & Cousin Brenda

Look at that smile!!!

Alyssa, Auntie CoCo and Uncle Pete

Get him Alyssa. She just loves hair.
Since I got my haircut Alyssa loves running her little fingers through my hair. When I feed her she closes her eyes and pets me. She tries to do the same thing with Bill, but he doesn't have much hair left:o)

Alyssa opening her gifts at the farm.

She just loves her Christmas hat.

I just want to thank everyone for all the nice presents.
Alyssa loves all her clothes, toys, books and everything else that she got.
Thanks again.

Cousin Sam & Alyssa

Here is Cousin Sam & Alyssa. Sam and Debbie came home all the way from North Carolina.

More Christmas Eve snap shots

Mommy, Alyssa, Auntie CoCo and Uncle Nathan
(Thanks for sending me a better picture, Brenda)

Our family picture.
If anyone has this picture please e-mail me a copy.
Mine didn't turn out the best.
Grandpa with all his grand children and great-grand children.
Everyone made it home this year!!!

Our family picture

This was a lot of work. Everytime we tried to get our picture done Alyssa started crying. I guess she was just sick of pictures. I guess I can't blame her.

Some Christmas Eve snap shots!!!

Great-Grandpa with his three Great-Grand Children
Alyssa, Alec & Breanna
Alyssa & Great-Grandpa
4 generations

Alyssa's present from Uncle Nate

This picture is so sweet!!!
Alyssa got a musical talkin' potty chair from Uncle Nate. I thought this gift was great because we are going to start working with her when she turns one. We were just leaving for the farm when Nate decided she should open her gift, so Alyssa is in her snowsuit is this picture .

Alyssa helping Grandma & Grandpa open their gift

Alyssa just loves opening presents.
The paper is the best part she loves putting it in her mouth.

Surprise Uncle Nathan made it home early.

Nathan was suppose to be home Christmas Eve night, like usual he surprised us. Alyssa was happy to see him, she loves her uncle.

Mommy & Alyssa on Christmas Eve

Here is Alyssa in one of her Christmas outfits.
Isn't she just adorable.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Alyssa opening her present from Mommy

We decided to let Alyssa open her Christmas gifts from us the day before Christmas Eve (Nathan's Birthday) because she would be opening gifts the next two days. She got a Hug & Learn Baby Tad from Mommy for Christmas.

Alyssa opening her gift from Daddy

Bill and I decided since Alyssa is so little this year that we would each go out and buy her one gift on our own and the other one would help her open it. That way it was a surprise for us. Alyssa got alphabet touch and feel blocks from her Daddy and she just loves them:o)

Playin' in the tub!!!

Here is Alyssa in her tub playing with her toys. It was her last bath on the kitchen table. It is just so much easier on the back to be standing than leaning over into the bath tub. Now that she can sit on her own bath time is a lot better, but now she cries when you take her out. She just wants to play with her toys in the tub!

Smiley Girl!!!


Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Uncle Pete & Alyssa

Aren't they cute.
Alyssa started saying "hey" this week. She changes her voice into a husky/man voice and says "hey". She also started shaking her head back and forth when she gets excited or mad or whatever she is feeling. She is sooooo cute. You just gotta love her!!!

Auntie, Daddy & Alyssa playing the piano.

Here is Bill teaching Nichole & Alyssa a song on the piano.

Pajama time!!!

Here is Grandma, Alyssa and Kinsey all hanging out
on the floor by the Christmas tree in their pj's.
I just love this picture!!!

Alyssa opening her first Christmas present!!!

Grandma just couldn't wait for Christmas.
Alyssa got a Pooh babies first Christmas ornament
from Grandma and Grandpa.

Alyssa wearing Daddy's hat!!!

If you look close you can see Alyssa's two teeth.
Isn't she just adorable?