Sunday, May 24, 2020

March 2020 in One Post!!!~Beginning of COVID-19~

For some reason I am unable to see most of the photos from my phone that I moved to my external hard drive, so March will all be in one post.  Friday, March 13th was the end of the school year at school this year.  We went into our Spring Break the following week, which we were not allowed to go anywhere anyway due to COVID-19 working it's way into our Community per Sheppard AFB Commander.  The following week March 23rd turned into an extended Spring Break to prepare for School at Home.  During this week both our washer and dryer stoppped working, great luck right?  March 25th brought the 1st case of COVID-19 to Wichita County.
March 30th began our School at Home for all three kiddos.  This was really hard on Daniel at first, but he got use to his every week norm of seeing the whole fifth grade on Mondays and his homeroom on Thursdays on Google Meets.  Same for me, I was able to see my Pre-K kiddos on both Mondays & Thursdays every week until the end of the school year.  Online school was way to easy for all three of our kids.  I felt like there was no challenge for any of them, but I know all kids were in the same boat.  Each class took Hannah about five minutes to complete, it almost felt pointless.  I require them to read for an hour every day and that will continue until school starts back up in the fall.

Indie has made our COVID-19 experience so much better.  We go out at least three times a day if not four or five to walk her.  Taking her to the dog park to play with other dogs is fun too!
This picture was actually taken March 1st and was our first outdoor meal of 2020!

Our sweet Indie!!!

One of my favorites!!!

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