Tuesday, August 08, 2017

Highlights of the first half of July 2017!!!

So proud of Bill!  July 1st Bill sewed on Senior Master Sergeant!!!

Can't wait to see these stripes in person!
Festa della Bufala in Castello D'Aviano

Getting ready for the 4th of July Fun Run!

In our matching 4th of July t-shirts!

Jumping on the trampoline with the sprinkler going!

Making dinner!

Hannah's new glasses arrived!

Making puffy slime!

The kids and I had the privilege to meet Gary Chapman the author of the 5 Love Languages!

One of the many festivals we have been to this summer!

Vacation Bible School at the chapel this summer, just Daniel and I!

Multi-Sport Camp with Corinne!

Hanging out at the library!

I'm glad even the big girls got into the Tween Club at the library.

Multi-Sport Camp!

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