Thursday, March 09, 2017

Zagreb, Croatia

I thought this was a cool sign up the 360 Cafe!
St. Mark's Chruch with the Coat of Arms on the roof of the church.
Outside one of the museums we visited.
Out for dessert with friends!

The apartment we stayed at...

Bill and the kids at the market.

The kids with one of the spheres in the city.

Having fun in the Illusion Museum!

More illusion fun!

This was a neat exhibit!

We completed our first Escape Room with the Daly family!

A day at the zoo before we went back home!

One last picture at the zoo.
We had a great time exploring Zagreb with our close friends.  It made us want to do more traveling with friends.  We just wish family would come to visit us some time in the next year and a half before our time is up here.  There is so much to see and do in Italy....

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