Saturday, January 30, 2016

Happy New Year here is a January update!

January 13th our family attended the Deployment Ball, which wasn't actually a ball, but we all had a great time dressing up anyway!!!
All dressed up!

Our new year started off with a few hiccups.  Our van tire had a slow leak in it, which turned out to be a cracked valve stem.  It isn't so easy to get American vehicle parts over here in Italy, so the part that we ordered turned out to be the wrong one.  In the meantime another tire started doing the same thing, so we decided to just order and replace all four valve stems, which finally got fixed today January 30th thanks to Bill.  So, Bill no longer has to fill the van tires every morning and we can start going places again!!!

Alyssa came down with strep throat on the 7th of January, with Hannah following suit on the 14th of January.  Daniel has lucked out so far!!!  Nothing really gets them down when they are sick, I've got some tough kiddos!

The kids have had a few sleepovers this month, along with a couple birthday parties!  I had an awesome lunch date with a couple good friends, which always makes my day.

Basketball season started for Alyssa and Daniel on the 4th of January.  They are loving it so far!  They practice twice a week and have games every Saturday through the middle of March.
Daniel with his coaches and team!

Alyssa in defense mode!

Hannah started going to play practice again after Christmas break and has her "Alice in Wonderland" performances next week!  I can't wait to see her perform on stage for the first time!  She started baton on the 11th and also continues Cooking Club!  This week she was also in Cheer Camp, which was an awesome experience for her!

Baseball/Softball registration opens in about week.  I am excited to get all three back into the same sport again, even if it is just for one sport season!

January 8th I had my in-processing date for my Substitute Teacher position.  At that time I was given my official hire date of January 25th.  I was not expecting to start on the 25th, but was called right away that morning to come in for my first full day of work.  I ended up working  2 1/2 days my first week and it was only a four day school week.  If this keeps up I am going to be one busy mama!  I am loving it so far and look forward to teaching more classes and grades.

January 18th we had Daniel's 7th birthday party at Boscomato again!  He loves that place!  His cake this year is his own creation Imaginext vs. Avengers!
7 years old already, where did the time go?
Here is the birthday crew, some may be missing!

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