Monday, July 27, 2015

End of June Highlights!!!

USO Sesame Street live!!!  Daniel convinced his sisters to go one last time!!!

I have lost 30 pounds since December 2014!!!  If you want to hear the story behind my success here is the link:

Alyssa at Music Camp the week after school was out!
Daniel at Music Camp!
Hannah jamming out at Music Camp!

Our June visit to Sea Life in Jesolo!

On our way to the beach...

We made it to the beach!

They just love the water, I couldn't keep them out of it.

Preparing Sunday fellowship with friends!!!

Jelyn and I!!!  She has been a great friend to me!!!

Flag Football practice began for all three kids on the 15th, they all seem to like it so far!  We will see at the end of the summer!  This month I also got Alyssa and Daniel registered for soccer in the fall, Hannah opted out of this sport.  She did really enjoy baseball and football as well!!!  I will have to find something to help her pass the soccer season, I am hoping for some school clubs to come available!!!
The middle picture shows how we spent Father's Day with Bill facetiming!  Thank goodness for technology!!!  We love you and miss you lots!  Nothing on facebook about Bill being gone please!

Friday, July 24, 2015

Alyssa's Venice Study Trip back in April!

Alyssa and her BFFs in Venice for a Study Trip!!!
Waiting for the train!

Working hard!

Their class when to the islands of Murano and Burano!!!

I wasn't able to make this Study Trip due to Bill being deployed, but Alyssa had a great time with Mrs. Heather, Corinne's mom!!!

Check out that sculptor!

Corinne and Alyssa

Corinne and Alyssa eating gelato with Ms. Anderson!!!

Beginning of June Highlights!!!

Nothing beat gelato on a hot day, especially since they got to go home early due to the power being out!!!

Field day for Alyssa's class!!!

I love this picture of these two!

Hannah and Daniel's baseball team this season!!!

Daniel and Hannah with Coach Blood!

The girls and I at the parent appreciation party!!!
Check out this guy, we all really miss him!  Nothing on Facebook please!

His professional picture while he is deployed!  Nothing on Facebook please!

Field Day for Hannah's class!!!

Daniel's field day!!!

Alyssa and Coach Blood!

Last day of school June 11th, 2015...

Alyssa with her awards for being awesome in school!!!  We are so proud of her!!!

Alyssa and Ms. Anderson, which she will have again next year since Ms. Anderson is moving up to 5th grade!!!

Hannah and Ms. Hiyama, an amazing teach and perfect for our Hannah!!!

Daniel with Mrs. Andress and Mrs. Raymond, Mrs. Raymond is moving, so we are really going to miss her!

Last day as a 4th grader, a Kindergartener, and a 2nd grader...they grow up so fast...

Yep Hannah can still convince Alyssa once in a while to play dress up!!!

I love these adventurous kids!  They are totally outdoor kids and I love it!!!

Checking out which tree is which in the park.  Grandma and Grandpa Gruenes would be proud!!!