Friday, April 03, 2015

Grotta Gigante near Trieste, Italy!

This was a nice day trip from the Aviano area!

ADULTS  12,00 € 
SENIORS (over 65 years old) STUDENTS (17-26 years old) 9,00 € 
CHILDREN (6-16 years old) 
GROUPS over 25 persons
8,00 € 
CHILDREN (3-5 years old)  1,00 € 
FREE (babies 0 – 2 anni) GRATIS 
FAMILY-SPECIAL (for families with more than 2 children)  Children from the third onwards are admitted FREE

This cave is beautiful and a must see!

We went with an Italian group and still were able to find out info. about the cave as we went along with the English speaking announcements along the path!

In this picture you can see the staircase we went down to get to the bottom of the cave!

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