Saturday, April 04, 2015

Update from the middle/end of March to the beginning of April!

 On the 21st of March I went to my first PWOC retreat at Agriturismo La Pioppa ( in Sacile, Italy.  It was a great time with some awesome ladies!!!  While I was there Bill took the kiddos to a birthday party on the base.

Early Sunday morning, March 22nd, we headed out on our first trip to Germany in five years!  The kids gave me my birthday gift that morning and we left on our five hour drive to Edelweiss Lodge and Resort, which with stops and traffic ended up being about seven hours.  We made one site seeing stop that day to the Partnach Gorge (, before relaxing at the resort for the evening.
My birthday present from the kiddos!

Our stop of the day to Partnach Gorge right near the resort we stayed at.  Due to the the falling ice it was closed, but Bill and the kids still adventured up the gorge over all the fallen ice to check it out!  We will be coming back here next time we are in the area!

The kids will tell you this was the best part of the trip!  Getting to relax and go swimming!!!
 March 23rd we spent most of the day checking out the Dachau Concentration Camp ( near Munich, Germany.  It was very educational for all of us and we all learned a lot about the history of this place.  I would highly recommend going if you are ever in the area, this was the first concentration camped opened on March 22, 1933-April 29, 1945.  More pictures to come on this one...
 We were going to eat at the Hofbrauhaus in Munchen, but found out that they didn't have any schnitzel, so we just checked it out instead.  This is the original Hofbrauhaus ( and it hold 5,000 guests, amazing to me!  They have live entertainment on all floors!
A performing stage for the Hofbrauhaus!

Check out this dining room!  Certain areas are reserved for different groups of people.
 Instead we went across the street to the Wirtshaus Ayingers (  to eat some amazing schnitzel, sausage, spatzel, fries and pretzels!!!
Fine dining with the Gruenes family!!!
 We got to look around a bit after eating before we had to head back and decided to climb the St. Peter's Church tower in Munich (the oldest church in Munich and 300 steps to the top)  to check out the amazing view of Munich!  More pictures to come! (  We will be going back to Munich next time and spending more time there!!!
 Hannah out on our balcony at Edelweiss Lodge and Resort checking out the view!
 March 24th in Oberammergau checking out the fairy tale and biblical art on some of the houses!  This was a neat little town with a pretty awesome church too!
The last stop of our mini vacation before heading back to Italy.  We spent the day at Neuschwanstein Castle!  More pictures to come...
The 25th was back to school for the kids and back to the real world for me too!  Bible study, errands, registering the kids for school next year, PTA, and evening Bible Study.

The 28th was the Bunny Hop 5K which our whole family completed!  Then we headed to the PWOC Easter Egg-Stravaganza, to hang out with our church family!
Bunny Hop 5K 2015
Besides my normal week I helped out with class pictures at the kid's school on the 31st of March.  The kids also started baseball and all seem to enjoy it so far, but we have only had three practices so far!

April 1st was Hannah's last day of stacking club.

April 2nd Bill started leave and was able to go in to help out with Alyssa's potluck at school!  That evening Alyssa had her birthday party/sleepover with three friends.  Our evening included softball practice, laser tag, pizza, smores, and a start to a movie!

The morning of the 3rd, Alyssa's birthday, we started with finishing the movie they started, caramel rolls and and her birthday cake!

10 years old already, when did she get that old?
Family birthday time bowling!!!
Today, the 4th of April, we have spent most of the day relaxing so far, we may or may not have plans for the afternoon!!!  I am excited to see what comes our way during spring break next week!!!

Our Family at Grotta Gigante (March 14, 2015)

Heading down the cave!

A view just leaving the opening!

A view down into the cave!

We had a great time at the cave!  For more pictures of the cave see the post below this one!!!

Friday, April 03, 2015

Grotta Gigante near Trieste, Italy!

This was a nice day trip from the Aviano area!

ADULTS  12,00 € 
SENIORS (over 65 years old) STUDENTS (17-26 years old) 9,00 € 
CHILDREN (6-16 years old) 
GROUPS over 25 persons
8,00 € 
CHILDREN (3-5 years old)  1,00 € 
FREE (babies 0 – 2 anni) GRATIS 
FAMILY-SPECIAL (for families with more than 2 children)  Children from the third onwards are admitted FREE

This cave is beautiful and a must see!

We went with an Italian group and still were able to find out info. about the cave as we went along with the English speaking announcements along the path!

In this picture you can see the staircase we went down to get to the bottom of the cave!