Friday, March 06, 2015

Second half of February update!!!

February 15th Daniel came down with a 24 hour bug, he was a trooper and re-cooperated very quickly!
Out for a walk even when Daniel wasn't back to 100%, he is my little trooper!

The 16th of February, Washington's birthday, we went to Venice to check out Carnival!  We wandered around checking out St. Mark's Basilica, we rode on the water bus for the first time and just had a great day!!!  More pictures to come...
Another day off of school! February 17th...
Busy making chocolate covered pretzels and more!
February 18th back to school for the kiddos and another missing tooth for Daniel!
The 19th of February was Hannah's last day of Cooking Club, she had a great time learning all kinds of cooking tips over the past four weeks!  No picture to share, but I am hoping I will have something from the school later on!  We also had a friend from church call up and let me know that she was making dinner for us!  That was a pleasant and unexpected surprise!  Amazing Asian food is all I am going to say!

100 days of school was the celebration on the 20th!  I was able to help out with an activity and hang out with Hannah for a bit, it always makes my day when I can help out at the school!  Daniel had a basketball game that night and Alyssa went to a sleepover at a friends house!
Love this picture!

Our little basketball player!!!
The 21st of February we celebrated Hannah's 8th birthday as a family!!!  We had pizza, cupcakes, and laser tag fun!!!
Love this one!

Laser tag was a blast, we can't wait to go again!

The 23rd Hannah had her final baton class along with a presentation!  I can't wait for her and Alyssa to participate in this again next year!  I love all the clubs Aviano Elementary offers for the kids!  Hannah will be starting Sport Stacking Club the middle of March!!!

My stylish child!!!
Daniel had another basketball game on the 27th and we ended the evening with some of our friends from church around a fire-pit roasting marshmallows and chatting!  It feels good to have more friends here in Italy, for awhile there I was starting to feel lonely, but life is good!

The last day of February, the 28th, Alyssa had a basketball game and basketball pictures as well!  After the game we decided to head up the mountain to go sledding again, one of our most favorite things to do in the winter months!!!
These three have had a great time hanging out together this season!

My basketball stars!!!

Fun in the snow!!!
Don't forget to check out my new blog, it is still in the making!  or even checkout and "like" my A Simple Life facebook page
We are making some life changes for our family by changing our eating habits and bring Young Living Essential oils into the mix!!!  Life is good!!!

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