Sunday, March 29, 2015

Lake Barcis March 7, 2015!!!

Alyssa Nikay

Daniel Gruenes

Hannah Ellen

Bill and the kids!

Dad and Daniel

Taking a break from our hike around the lake!

Just look at that attitude :)

Hiking through the rocks

I am so thankful my kids love the outdoors!

I love the scenery here!

Alyssa & Dad

The kids and I!

Dad and the kids at the end of our hike!

Lake Barcis in March!!!

If you haven't made the short trip from Aviano to Lake Barcis aka Lago de Barcis I would highly recommend it!!!  There is a walking path that will bring you from the tunnel exit all the way into the city of Barcis.  Our family really enjoyed it!

Here is the sign you see when coming out of the last tunnel.

Some of the beautiful weeds my daughter collected in a seashell!

In March these beautiful weeds/flowers will be all over the walking path.

Another amazing view!

The dam in Barcis.

Swans are popular to see in this area too!

Just breath taking...

One last shot of the beautiful scenery!

Places you can go from Barcis.

Facebook page for the area!

Visit the Information center, which was not open while we were visiting in March.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

March update!!!

March 2nd starts our month of activities with Doctor Seuss's birthday at the school.  I was able to go eat lunch with all the kids and have green eggs and ham!
Eating lunch with Dad!

Hannah in her pajama's eating green eggs and ham!!!
March 3rd I was able to attend Alyssa's study trip with her class to an Italian school and to Parco Archeologico didattico del Livelet (!  It was a good time!!!
Alyssa and her favorite friends!!!

The girls in front of one of the houses!

Alyssa using a bow and arrow!
Alyssa by the lake!

Eating lunch at the Italian school with a two friends from her school and two Italian girls that came to her school back in February!
The 6th of March Daniel had his last basketball game for the season!  Hannah had a birthday sleepover at a friends house, her first one here!  I attended my second PWOC game night and had a great time!
Daniel with his head coach getting his trophy!!!
March 7th after Alyssa's last basketball game we decided to adventure to Lake Barcis!!!
Alyssa with her head coach getting her trophy!!!

Bill and the kids at Lake Barcis, more pictures to come...
March 9th to the 13th was Terra Nova testing for Alyssa, she did a great job and didn't stress about it!  That Tuesday the 10th we kept Alyssa home from school, she had a migraine and a bit a of a stomach bug, she was back to her normal spunky self the next day!

The 12th Alyssa went in for a softball skill evaluation and we still await practice days for the upcoming season.  I ended up moving Daniel from the 5/6 team to the 7/8 team, so him and Hannah could be on the same team!  Less running around for me!

March 14th Alyssa went to a birthday sleepover at a friends house, she had a great time!  Bill had a dinner to go to for work, so Hannah, Daniel & I decided to go the dairy vending machines (which are amazing and we will miss them when we move back to the states), we got a few groceries and decided to go to the club on base to get pizza and play darts!!!

Monday, March 16th I started taking the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University class, it is a 9 week course!  I am super excited to be able to attend this class!  Hannah also started sport stacking club at the school, more running for me, but sport stacking is great for the kids!  So, it makes it worth my running :o)

The 18th I started a new Bible study with our PWOC group, it is Discovery Guide Life & Ministry of the Messiah.  Right now I am unsure if I am going to like it, but I am giving it a chance.  It seems like a lot of history and that just is not my thing, the good part is we have a great facilitator that makes the class more interesting!

Today the 19th  I have been getting caught up around the house and doing some cleaning, nothing to interesting.  We have a long weekend coming up since there is no school Monday and Tuesday!  I am excited to see what our weekend holds!

Don't forget to check out my new blog, it is still in the making!  or even checkout and "like" my A Simple Life facebook page
I am officially down 12 pounds from Christmas, with my goal being only 9 more pounds to lose!  Lots of permanent life changes since December!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Carnival in Venice, Italy on February 16th, 2015

I love this picture, we are in Italy and there is an American dollar bill in this base!!!

Amazing chalk drawing!!!

Taking a break!

Gelato with dad!!!

Masks on!

Tons of great costumes!!!

More costumes!

Inside St. Mark's Basilica!!!

Daniel and I on the balcony of St. Mark's!

Checking out the view!

I can't get over all the detail of the costumes during carnival!

Riding the water bus!

Chillin out on the water bus!