Monday, January 19, 2015

Christmas Break Part 2!

We spent the second half of our Christmas break waiting for a van part to arrive, which has still not come in :(  Bill found out on Friday that it was shipped to Afghanistan along with a whole shipment of stuff.  We only have heat in the front of the van as a hose broke back on the 13th of December, lucky for us it isn't that cold here!  So we had a lot of fun at home playing games, watching cooking shows, going for walks in our town and just hanging out together!!!  Daniel got a whole box full of legos along with a Lego book for Christmas, so we spent a couple days just building different things!  Alyssa went with me on a couple of 5K runs and did very well!  The kids love helping out with cooking in the kitchen, so we did some of that too!
Out in the rain!

Check out that beautiful view!!!

On the 2nd of January Bill decided that it was time to go to Piancovallo to go sledding with or without the van part.  We all had a great time sledding and playing in the snow.  It was the first time the kids had played in the snow in five years, so Daniel's first time that he remembers!

Can you see the excitement!!!!
 January 4th we ventured to Parco Rurale di San Floriano (  It was a beautiful, but windy day!  We hiked through the walking path and also off the path a bit.  We are a very adventurous family!!!
Here are the kids having a picnic with the awesome weather!
Enjoying the mountains!!!
January 5th was back to school and back to a routine for me!  We had a great Christmas break with lots of quality time home with Bill.  It is great to have a normal routine with Bill again since he is no longer an MTI!  Life is good!!!

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