Monday, October 20, 2014

Laundry is loads of fun in Italy...

Topic of the day as I have laundry everywhere in my house today.  I want to start off by saying that laundry use to be my favorite chore, but not anymore.  Power is a huge issue here in Italy and I am talking that you can only have one thing running at a time.  For those people that have the luxury of having a dishwasher, which we do not, well they cannot run a dishwasher and a washing machine at the same time or a washer and a dryer at the same time or an air conditioner and washer at the same time or you will blow the fuse for the circuit.

In the town we live in we cannot buy extra power like in some other towns, as it is not available.  Those that do get the extra power, it is very expensive from what our property manager is telling us.  So, we have resorted to washing and line drying clothes, which is very hard with all the humidity in this area we live in.  Sundays is the day that I wash and dry a few loads of clothes likes towels, socks, bedding and things that are better off being dried in the dryer.

There are three readings on our electric meter A1, A2, & A3.  Right now I cannot remember which is which, but on Sundays electricity is the cheapest, which is why I try to do as much washing and drying as possible on Sundays.  From about 6:00 am to 11:00 pm it is the most expensive and I believe from 11:00 pm to 6:00 am it is the in between rate.

One last interesting fact for you, the water has to be dumped out of the dryer after each load with the Italian dryers.

Well, I am off to make beds and put the clothes that are dry away :)  Happy Monday!!!

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