Sunday, June 28, 2009

Finally Mom let us put together our Build a Bear/Puppy!!!

Getting started.

Hannah with her bear, which she named Tender Heart.

Stuffing her bear.

Alyssa with her puppy, which she named Emily.

Stuffing her puppy.
The girls had a blast putting together their bear and puppy. It only took me five months to get motivated to do them. The girls got these from Aunt Nancy and Uncle Kevin for Christmas. Now we just have to finish the clothes for them. Thanks for the awesome presents, they were a definate hit!!!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Big Update....

Well, I'm not to sure who all knows that Bill applied to do MTI duty in Texas. Well we got word when we got back from our Paris trip last Friday that he got the position. We have not yet gotten official word, but he did talk to the person that does the hiring. We may have a report no later date of November 1st, but that is not for sure. If that is the case we will be leaving Germany around the middle of October. This is a special duty that is for four years and possibly up to six if we like it. It will be nice to be back in the states, but we are sure going to miss Germany. As it is so beautiful here and there is so much to do. I will keep all of you updated.

Take care,

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Mister Guy Guy

Daniel in his new Nike's.

Daniel's two teeth.

Just look how big he is compared to Bill.


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Alyssa's 4 year photo shoot!!!

I thought these turned out pretty good, I took them myself. It helps that Alyssa loves getting her picture taken. She did a great job posing for the camera!!!

Flowers for Mommy!!!

When Bill and Hannah went to Hannah's eye appointment back a couple weeks ago they decided that I needed some flowers. So, they picked these out for me!!! They were very beautiful, but they never opened up and didn't really have a smell to them, very different from the roses in the states.

Daniel sitting by himself!!!

Here is our proud little boy sitting all by himself playing with his toys.

Alyssa with her new bows~Thanks, Lisa

My cousin Lisa made these cute bows and they actually stay in the girls hair pretty well. If you are interested in checking out more of her items her website is:

Baby Jesus...

The girls are always putting Daniel's burp rag on his head and then they call him baby Jesus. It is very cute and he doesn't seem to mind one bit.

Playing in the water

We finally went to the Bitburg walkplatz and this was the neatest thing there. The walkplatz is an outdoor mall. I wasn't to impressed, but we did find somewhere cheaper to get delicious ice cream!!! We usually go to Speicher just down the road from our village to get ice cream once a week. They have the best cherry ice cream here, yummy!!!

Monday, June 08, 2009

Daddy & Daniel

Just Daddy & Me!!!
Daniel is such a happy little boy!!!

Walking on Daddy's feet.
Can you believe that in just one week and two days he is going to be six months old?

Deutsche Post

So, here is an interesting picture. This is the Post Office here in the village of Herforst, which is also a house and a yarn store. They are open daily from 10:00 am-11:00 am, one whole hour a day Monday-Friday. I went in once to get postage on a German Pampers postcard, so Daniel could get a free Pampers shirt. Which by the way is pretty neat, we are keeping it for him when he gets older since it is all written in German.

This is a German mailbox.

Hannah reading to Daniel!!!

The girls just love books and love reading to their brother.

Saturday, June 06, 2009

This is too cute!!!

This started out as Alyssa and Hannah goofing around on the couch. So, I asked them if it would be okay if Daniel got in on the fun and they thought that was a great idea. This picture turned out great.

Some of Daniel's newest things...

This is how Daniel started out sitting up, now he has it down. He can bend over pick a toy up and get back up with a straight back.

This is where he started.

This is where he ended up.
Now he is spinning himself around on his belly and can get pretty much where ever he wants to go. He still hasn't figured out the belly to back roll yet. I think he is going to be crawling any time now, he is so close. Who knows Nichole and Pete may be here for it, as they will be here next week and are staying for two weeks!!!

Last day of Creative Critters for the summer

The girls with their certificates of participation.

Alyssa with her Creative Critters teachers.

Hannah with her Creative Critters teachers.

Circle time!!!

Play time!!!

Cupcake time!!!

Last day of AWANA for the summer

Waiting to leave for church.

Hannah with her Puggles class.

Hannah with her certificate.

Alyssa and her Cubbie class.

Alyssa getting her awards for the year.
The girls had a great time at AWANA this year and are looking forward to going back in the fall.

Hannah with her Baby Alive

So, Hannah got this doll for her first Christmas from Uncle Nate and I put her away in a bin with all her accessories until Hannah got a little older. She drinks bottles and pees, it's great!!!

Friday, June 05, 2009

Super Daniel...

I'm not sure what the last update on Daniel was. So, here goes. He has been eating baby food for the last month. He now has two teeth. He is sitting up with help of his boppy pillow and Mommy of course. He reaches for me when I put my hands out to pick him up. He scoots backwards all over the living room and is working on getting on all fours. He is just going through that amazing time in his life where he is learning so much.

Daddy with the kids

Making goofey faces as usual!!!

Trying to hide in the cooler...

She is too cute!!!

This sleeping picture is too funny:o)

Exhausted after a day at the wildpark.