Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Our complete family.

I don't know if all of you know, but we are now officially done having babies. Our family is now complete with Baby Daniel. I had my tubes tied after Daniel was delivered. We thought three c-sections was enough on my body and we are very happy with having three children. I love that they are all so close in age, about 22 months between each. They will hopefully be very close to one another growing up.

The view out my hospital room window.

While I was in the hospital the temperature got up in the 50's, so we were able to go out on my balcony and enjoy some fresh air.

A big day for visitors...

Daddy and all the kids.

Alyssa holding her new little brother.

A very proud Hannah.

Auntie, Daniel & Alyssa
This was the first day that we had the whole gang at the hospital. Alyssa kept telling me "Mommy I love Daniel so much." Both girls are very proud of their brother and are always asking to hold him.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Our Newest Little Angel!!!

Daniel William
3 Days Old

Check out that face!!!

Two Days Old

Daniel's first visitor!!!

Giving goodbye kisses!!!
Hannah was the first one besides Daddy to get to meet Daniel. Unfortunately Alyssa came down with the flu the day Daniel was born. She ended up going to the ER the night after, so they had to wait until the weekend to visit. Daniel and I were in the hospital from the 17th to the 22nd, they usually keep c-section patients and babies 7-10 day. Thank goodness we got home before Christmas.

Very proud Daddy!!!

Daddy & Son

Friday, December 26, 2008

Daniel William Gruenes

Daniel William was born on Dec. 17th, 2008 at 8:29 am. He weighed 7 lbs. 14 oz. and measured 20 1/2 inches long. Everything went great and Mom and Baby are doing just fine.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Happy 30th Birthday Daddy!!!

Bill with the girls and his cake.

The Girls helping Daddy open his gift from them.

Visiting Santa again!!!

Santa & Hannah

Alyssa & Santa

Our first stau (traffic jam) in Germany.

Here we sat on the autobahn for about two hours, we were headed to Trier to go to a Christmas market. Needless to say we never made it there, it got to late and we ended up going back home.

Here we are on the autobahn going the wrong way, they ended up just turning traffic around.

Ausfahrt means exit.

Here is the German police (Polizei)

And here we are going off the autobahn the wrong way again, merging with the other traffic.

Making birthday cards for Daddy.

Alyssa stamping.

Hannah putting on animal stickers.

Storytime at the Library.

Opening presents from Santa Claus.

Alyssa & Santa

The girls having a little snack.

Letting Santa know what they want for Christmas.

More cookie decorating.

Some of our frosted cookies.

Hannah Ellen

Looking very festive for the Christmas season.

Making cookies!!!

Some of the final product.

Cutting out sugar cookies.

Michelle at 37 weeks along.

Take notice of the cookie shapes.

Hannah working hard.

Nichole, Alyssa, Hannah and I spent two whole days making cookies for the airman that live in the dorms. The base was making up the baskets. We also saved some for ourselves too. We all had a good time.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Our Trip to Belgium

Heading back into Germany.

This is where we ate.

We went to Belgium for the day to do some furniture shopping.

Eating German pastries.

Vianden Castle-Luxembourg