Thursday, June 12, 2008


Well, I had my first doctor's appointment on Tuesday. Everything is looking good with baby. We actually end up going to the ER on the 1st of June, but everything turned out just fine. We got to have an ultrasound done and got to see baby at almost 10 weeks. It is just amazing that baby already has arms and legs, baby was just moving all over the place with a heart rate in the upper 170's. On Tuesday baby's heart rate was also in the upper 170's. We have our ultrasound scheduled for next week to check on my cervix, so I can have my cerclage put in the beginning of July. We got good news with that as my doctor is pregnant and she is putting the cerclage in on her very last surgery day, before she goes on maternity leave. I lucked out because I will be 14 weeks and 5 days along and they don't put cerclages in before 14 weeks. I was a little worried that I would have to find another doctor to do the cerclage, but everything worked out perfect.

More news: We finally got our official orders this week. My medical finally cleared on Tuesday and we got our orders on Wednesday. We are having our house packed up in two weeks and moving in with my parents until the end of July. We will be spending a week with Bill's parents right before we go and then are leaving for Germany the first week in August. Wow, it all seems real now less than two months away and we will be headed to another country.

1 comment:

~Chris~ said...

OMG Girl... CONGRATS.. Wish you were not leaving so I would get to see your new little Addition.. Glad everything is well...