Sunday, June 29, 2008

Happy Late Father's Day!!!

Daddy, Hannah & Alyssa

When we went to Melrose we forgot to bring Daddy's gift along. Alyssa got to pick out Daddy's gift this year herself. She choose Goldfish crackers, which Daddy likes a lot. Mommy picked out something, too.

Happy Father's Day Again!!!

Helping Grandpa open his present.

More Cousin pics

Anna & Hannah after a bath.

Jonah & Alyssa playing Candyland.

Eli & Alyssa

Anna, Alyssa & Jonah

Hanging out with family!!!

Alyssa, Hannah & Aunt Nancy

John & Hannah

Uncle Mark and Alyssa

Hannah & Cousin Beth

Happy Father's Day!!!

Hannah & PaPa

Grandpa cutting the wire off the pig.

The guys cutting up the pig and it was delicious.

Alyssa watching Grandpa open his gift from the girls.
Alyssa, Hannah & I got to experience our first pig roast on Father's Day this year. It was the best!!!

Playing with Cousins

Having a blast!!!


Climbing at Grandma and Grandpa's house.

Running through the sprinkler in her clothes!!!


Climbing the deck stairs.

Hiding behind the tree.

Playing in the bouncy chair.

Playing at Grandma and Grandpa Gruenes house.

Mommy & Her Girls!!!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Alyssa pushing Hannah in the swing!!!

Hannah Ellen...

Reading books from her new bookshelf that PaPa G made for the girls.

Bouncing on the ball!!!

Alyssa Nikay...

Checking out her new quilt.

Wearing her new cape.

Picking flowers!!!

Helping Mom vacuum.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Ring Around the Rosie

The wrestling version!!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Vacation Bible School

Beaker Buddies was the name of Alyssa's VBS class. She really enjoyed going. It was from June 1st to the 4th from 6:30-8:30. It was really weird just leaving her there with her class, but she did great just as we expected.

Last day (Family Day), here she is in her VBS tie dye t-shirt that they made. They sang all the songs they learned in the church service and we had a BBQ before church started. She really enjoyed herself the whole time.

Beautiful Baby Photo Shoot

I just got these pictures from the Beautiful Baby Photo Shoot. The girls won the award for Sweetest Sisters!!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Well, I had my first doctor's appointment on Tuesday. Everything is looking good with baby. We actually end up going to the ER on the 1st of June, but everything turned out just fine. We got to have an ultrasound done and got to see baby at almost 10 weeks. It is just amazing that baby already has arms and legs, baby was just moving all over the place with a heart rate in the upper 170's. On Tuesday baby's heart rate was also in the upper 170's. We have our ultrasound scheduled for next week to check on my cervix, so I can have my cerclage put in the beginning of July. We got good news with that as my doctor is pregnant and she is putting the cerclage in on her very last surgery day, before she goes on maternity leave. I lucked out because I will be 14 weeks and 5 days along and they don't put cerclages in before 14 weeks. I was a little worried that I would have to find another doctor to do the cerclage, but everything worked out perfect.

More news: We finally got our official orders this week. My medical finally cleared on Tuesday and we got our orders on Wednesday. We are having our house packed up in two weeks and moving in with my parents until the end of July. We will be spending a week with Bill's parents right before we go and then are leaving for Germany the first week in August. Wow, it all seems real now less than two months away and we will be headed to another country.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Quilts from Grandma M.

Grandma & the girls

Alyssa with her new quilt, pillows and blanket for Freckles.

Hannah with her new quilt, pillows and blanket for her dollies.

The girls together with their new quilts from Grandma!!!
As soon as the girls got their bunk beds Alyssa called up Grandma and asked her to make blankets for both of their beds. And these are the beautiful quilts they ended up with. Alyssa is already using hers. Hannah is just using the pillows and the dolly blanket for her stuffed animals. She will be using hers once we get to Germany and she moves into her big girl bed.
Thank you Grandma!!!
We love everything!!!

The Girls!!!

Here are a couple of my attempts to get a picture of the girls together looking at me. Hannah is going through the I'm not going to look at you phase. Hopefully she gets over that quick. She will take pictures by herself, but not with Alyssa anymore.

Reading a book with Grandma

Grandma and Grandpa G. came up for the day. The girls really enjoyed spending time with them.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Camping out!!!

Last Friday night Alyssa and Daddy set up the tent and camped out in the backyard. Alyssa thought that was the greatest!!!

Hannah Ellen

Loving the chocolate pudding!!!

All crashed out after playing at the park and going for a bike ride. She actually fell asleep in the bike trailer on the way home from the park.

Playing at the park...

Alyssa hanging on the bars.

Hannah in the swing.

Alyssa digging in the sand with our neighbor boy.

Hannah playing in the sand.

Alyssa on the big girl swing, finally she wants to go on the regular swing instead of the baby swing. She loves to be pushed very high, too!!!