Friday, May 02, 2008

Exciting News!!!

For those of you that don't already know, we are expecting our third baby in December this year!!! We found out on Wednesday and I went to the clinic and had it confirmed. We are all very excited about our news, we were trying for January 2009, but it happened a little sooner. As of this week I am five weeks along.
Alyssa is very excited about the news, she has already told us that she wants a little brother. Both yesterday and today she asked me when she woke up if it was December yet. She also informed me that the baby will come out of my tummy naked, I don't know how she knew that. We were driving to town on Wednesday and Alyssa said that once the baby comes out her and Hannah were going to go back into my tummy. I found that very amusing.
I have been try to upload pictures on to the blog, but it hasn't been working for me. I will keep trying and get some new pictures for you to look at.
Take care,

1 comment:

Zeimetz Family said...

I was trying to send you a congrats email through aol, but they are having tech issues at the moment...BUT CONGRATS! I'm rooting for a boy, I think it's time for Bill to have some more testosterone in the house, but which ever it turns out to be it will no doubt be loved unconditionally! Congrats and keep me posted! Are you guys planning on trying to find out the sex when you get that far?