Monday, May 26, 2008

The Girls!!!

Hanging out under the trampoline

Alyssa posing for the camera!!!

Hannah bouncing!!!

Playing on the trampoline!!!

The girls have a blast on the trampoline together. Hannah is constantly giggling as Alyssa tries to knock her over.

Look what I can do!!!

Alyssa was very excited when she finally got the nerve up to go down this. Now we can't keep her off of it. She even attempted the pole when I wasn't looking and ended up falling on her back. Boy was that scary for both of us, but she was okay just a little shook up. That was a long way down. Then she told me "Mom I'm not going to try that again." Thank goodness.

Flying a kite with Daddy!!!

Hannah just loved watching Mommy & Daddy trying to get the kite in the air. Unfortunately we never got it up high enough.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Hannah crossing her feet

I have been waiting to get a picture of Hannah crossing her feet. This is her thing, she is constantly doing this, but as soon as I get the camera out she uncrosses them.

Look how much Hannah has grown in the last 13 months. That is just amazing to me.

Garage Sale

The girls reading books in the pool.
We had our big garage sale last Thursday-Saturday. We actually did pretty darn good, but didn't end up selling our snowblower, big screen tv w/stand or our tv stand. We will just have to keep advertising them until we get what we want for them.

Tea Party


Thursday, May 15, 2008

Trapped in a box!!!

The girls!!!

Away from home

Auntie & Hannah reading a book.

Uncle Pete, Koda, Kinsey, Alyssa & Auntie.

"Wake up sissy"

Good morning kisses!!!
The girls and I spent a couple of days at my sister's house in West Fargo. Bill had to finish up a class and had been on 12 hour shifts the two weeks before, so we gave him some time to do that. Now he is done with class until we get to Germany and get settled in.

Playing with the little people

Alyssa & Hannah play so good together.

May 2, 2008

Alyssa giving the polar bear a hug!!!

Playing in the castle!!!

Sliding down!!!

Getting ready to slide down.

Climbing to the top!!!
We went to an inside picnic that the base put on for everyone. The girls had a blast in the castle.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Some miscellaneous April pictures

Hannah taking a snooze.

Hanging out together.

Reading a book with Dad.

Looking out the window together.

Making homemade pizzas.

Helping Daddy eat his Cheerios.

Shrine Circus

Daddy & Hannah

Daddy & Alyssa

Hannah playing with her wand.

The girls hanging out by the ponies.

Alyssa & the clown.

Alyssa taking a train ride.

Alyssa Nikay...

Playing with her moon sand.

Dancing in her dress up shoes.

Posing for the camera.

Hannah with...



Uncle Pete


The girls

Alyssa pushing Cheetah.

Alyssa, Grandma & Hannah going for a walk.


Teeter Totter

We got this teeter totter for a great deal, so we couldn't resist and bought it even though we are moving very shortly. The four of us have a blast on it!!!

Friday, May 09, 2008


Here is a video clip of the girls spinning.
I haven't been able to upload any pictures, so I will post my videos instead.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Exciting News!!!

For those of you that don't already know, we are expecting our third baby in December this year!!! We found out on Wednesday and I went to the clinic and had it confirmed. We are all very excited about our news, we were trying for January 2009, but it happened a little sooner. As of this week I am five weeks along.
Alyssa is very excited about the news, she has already told us that she wants a little brother. Both yesterday and today she asked me when she woke up if it was December yet. She also informed me that the baby will come out of my tummy naked, I don't know how she knew that. We were driving to town on Wednesday and Alyssa said that once the baby comes out her and Hannah were going to go back into my tummy. I found that very amusing.
I have been try to upload pictures on to the blog, but it hasn't been working for me. I will keep trying and get some new pictures for you to look at.
Take care,