Friday, March 07, 2008

Some family snapshots...

Mommy giving the girls a bath.

Daddy and the girls.

Daddy & Alyssa reading a book.

Daddy & Hannah

Well, we finally got ourselves a new camera, the only problem is the pictures take so long to upload. Does anyone have any ideas for that?

1 comment:

Zeimetz Family said...

no, our house is off base, I told my landlord right away and they looked in the attic when I was gone and didn't find anything. That's pretty much the only other place they could go...our house isn't that big. I caught the first one like the day after I noticed they were in the house, so I hope thats that and they're gone. The one I found in the trap when I got home looked like it had been there for quite a while. I had 16 traps 8 sticky and 8 snap. I haven't seen any presents but I'm keeping an eye out too. We have a jr high football feild accross the street so I'm sure it came from over there.