Monday, March 31, 2008

Happy 31st Birthday, Mommy!!!

Mommy & her girls!!!


Playing in the bouncy chair.

Playing with Grandpa outside.

Ringing the bells with sis.


Carrying Blackie around.

Queen of the hill.

Our decorated egg.
Alyssa decided that since we were putting stickers on the eggs, she should have some on her too.

Grandpa and Alyssa on the tractor pushing snow.

Coloring Easter Eggs!!!

Alyssa had a lot of fun this year helping with the Easter eggs.

Happy Birthday Great-Grandma Caroline

We made it in time to wish Great-Grandma a Happy Birthday.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Headed to Grandma & Grandpa G.'s house

All crashed out.

Open gym @ gymnastics

Alyssa Nikay

Hannah Ellen

Piggy Hannah

Squishing her face against our entry door.

Reading the paper

Cousin Tim & Hannah

Easter Egg hunt @ Liberty Square

The girls with their Easter baskets.

Hannah's first egg hunt.

Alyssa checking out her candy.

Daddy & Hannah

Mommy, Hannah & Alyssa

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The girls with the Easter Bunny.

Alyssa has finally over come her fear of characters dressed up.

Hannah on the other hand is starting to not like them so much, but she still did a good job.

Alyssa Nikay

Goofy girl acting like Hannah.

All dressed up for work.

Just look at that nose.

Hannah took a fall on the sidewalk and scraped her nose up.
Here she is sitting on her new mattress playing with a string.


Alyssa just loves giving Hannah hugs, sometimes too much.

Hanging out

with Uncle Pete

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Checking on her sister.

Licking the mixer clean.

Being silly!!!
You gotta love the Halloween socks with the ballet slippers!!!
Alyssa had just woken up from her nap. She refuses to sleep in any pants at naptime. That's just her thing.


Playing with the computer.

Hiding under the towel.

Hanging out under the table.

Sleeping on her puppy.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Some family snapshots...

Mommy giving the girls a bath.

Daddy and the girls.

Daddy & Alyssa reading a book.

Daddy & Hannah

Well, we finally got ourselves a new camera, the only problem is the pictures take so long to upload. Does anyone have any ideas for that?

Our Sleeping Beauties!!!

I just love getting sleeping pictures of the girls and it has been quite a while since I have gotten any.


Having a snack.

Getting ready for church with mommy's chapstick and eyebrow brush.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Alyssa's muscles!!!

Here is a cute video clip of Alyssa.

Monday, March 03, 2008


I just wanted to let everyone that doesn't already know, that we have orders to Germany!!! We found out last Monday with a report no later date of August 31, 2008. We are all very excited to get the opportunity to see another part of the world. Now this gives our family and friends an opportunity to also see another part of the world. We are going to miss everyone, but it's not like we are going to be gone forever and we will be back to ND and MN to visit also. I will keep everyone posted. Take care!!!

Alyssa Nikay & Hannah Ellen

Sunday, March 02, 2008

New dress up clothes!!!


Collages by Stephanie.
Thanks again, Steph!!!

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Alyssa Nikay

Wearing Auntie's sweatshirt.

Eating crackers

Playing in the toy box.