Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Hannah Ellen...

Wearing sis's hat!!!

Playing in the game cabinet.

In the new stuffed animal bucket.

Getting Daddy!!!

Getting ready to go outside.

Hannah has just taken off in the last month. Her first word was "baba"(bottle) the end of November, second "dada" on Christmas Day, third "nana" (Hannah) and fourth "mama" the beginning of January and now she says "sissy" (Alyssa) just this week. She will now try any word that you say to her, she also says "boo" for peek-a-boo. She can sign more. She took her first step on Christmas Day and is now walking on her own. She still prefers crawling to walking because it is a whole lot quicker and she is still a little wobbly. On the 8th of January Hannah weighed in at 21 lbs. 12 oz and was 29 3/8 inches long. Hannah is down to only three bottles a day and will be starting whole milk on Monday as she will be 11 months old. As long as the conversion to whole milk goes okay, we are going to only give Hannah her bedtime bottle until her first birthday. Then bye bye to bottles!!!

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