Thursday, January 31, 2008

Alyssa & Hannah...

Oh look, matching outfits again!!! It was all Daddy this time, I had nothing to do with it.

Helping Mom make cookies!!!

Hannah Ellen

After having a chocolate banana smoothie with Mommy and Sis.

Well, Hannah had an allergic reaction to strawberries this week. She broke out in hives, so she cannot have strawberries again until she is two. Hopefully she over comes that allergy as she loves strawberries, she has been eating them for the last couple of months and just now is having a reaction to them:o(

Getting ready to go for a walk!!!

Here we are all bundled up ready for a wagon ride around the block.

Alyssa and Mommy...

Wearing matching headbands.

Alyssa Nikay

She is always in anything she can get into: bags, pillowcases, gift bags. You name it and she can get in it. I wish I had a camera in Walmart about a month ago as she saw a very small spot that an appliance was missing from and she worked her way into that spot while Bill and I were looking at something. It was the funniest thing ever!!!

Daddy & Hannah

Goofing around!!!

Playing dress up

Since Christmas we have started a dress up bin. We have tons of hats and are working more on the clothes part. We will have to get to some garage sales once it warms up a little and hit the thrift stores more often!!! Alyssa really enjoys dressing up, but she wants Mom and Dad to dress up too.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

The bongo drum!!!

Hannah definitely loves her bongo drum.
She did this for quite a while. It is very cute!!!
It was so fun that Sis decided to join in!!!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Alyssa & Hannah...

Riding the unicorn together!!!

In their matching outfits they got for Christmas.
Just look at those facial expressions!!!

Hannah got a kick out of Alyssa being in a pillow case. She kept poking at Alyssa's butt and laughing her head off.

Sorting M & M's

Alyssa just loves to sort and count.
She is very good at it too!!!

Reading books

Mommy & Hannah reading one of Alyssa's many Dora books. Hannah just loves Dora too and likes to turn the pages by herself.

Daddy and his Girls...

Alyssa & Hannah eating Daddy's supper after they were all done with supper.

Looking at flash cards!!!

Monday, January 21, 2008

We got a walker!!!

Here is a video clip of Hannah walking.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Swinging at the park!!!

Alyssa Nikay

Hannah Ellen

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Going to the park!!!

This is a very cute video clip of Alyssa pulling Hannah to the park in the sled.

The girls

Waiting for Daddy to come out.

Playing in the cabinet together.

Cruising around the toy room with the shopping cart. Alyssa was walking backwards so Hannah could push it with her. They did many laps together.

Alyssa Nikay...

Hanging out in the bucket.

Reading books!!!
Alyssa just loves books if Mommy & Daddy are not reading to her, she is reading books to herself.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Hannah Ellen...

Wearing sis's hat!!!

Playing in the game cabinet.

In the new stuffed animal bucket.

Getting Daddy!!!

Getting ready to go outside.

Hannah has just taken off in the last month. Her first word was "baba"(bottle) the end of November, second "dada" on Christmas Day, third "nana" (Hannah) and fourth "mama" the beginning of January and now she says "sissy" (Alyssa) just this week. She will now try any word that you say to her, she also says "boo" for peek-a-boo. She can sign more. She took her first step on Christmas Day and is now walking on her own. She still prefers crawling to walking because it is a whole lot quicker and she is still a little wobbly. On the 8th of January Hannah weighed in at 21 lbs. 12 oz and was 29 3/8 inches long. Hannah is down to only three bottles a day and will be starting whole milk on Monday as she will be 11 months old. As long as the conversion to whole milk goes okay, we are going to only give Hannah her bedtime bottle until her first birthday. Then bye bye to bottles!!!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Playing in the snow...

Hannah Ellen playing outside.
She just loves being outside just as much as her big sister. We have had just beautiful January weather this last week, so we have spent quite a bit of time outside.

Mommy & Hannah

Alyssa going down her hill Daddy made for her with our snowblower.

Mommy, Hannah and Alyssa hanging out in the snow fort.

Alyssa & Hannah going for a sled ride!!!

Daddy pulling the girls to the park in the sled.

Friday, January 11, 2008

The last of 2007!!!

Alyssa playing with her new Dora Vanity.

Hannah reading her new books.

The girls in their new matching Dora pj's.

"See my Dora Umbrella."

"You like my hat, Mommy?"

Christmas at Aunt Nancy & Uncle Kevin's house

Opening her present from Uncle Ben.

Alyssa & Uncle Ben

Hannah with her new puppy.

Hannah & Uncle Ben

Alyssa trying on Stella's new dress up sunglasses.

Alyssa helping Grandpa open his Christmas present.

Bill & Alex

I just love this picture of Bill & Alex, so I had to add it in.

Grandpa & Hannah


Just Grandma & Me

Hannah & Grandma playing around!!!
Enjoy the video.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Sandy & Brady's Wedding Dance!!!

Alyssa & Mommy doing the chicken dance!!!

Alyssa & Grandpa dancing.

Daddy & Alyssa dancing.

Alyssa & Grandma clapping to the music!!!

Hannah & Sandy dancing.

Daddy, Alyssa, Uncle Pat & Hannah
waiting in line for the dollar dance.

Hannah & Mommy dancing.

All danced out and ready for bed.