Monday, November 26, 2007

Reading books

Daddy reading the girls a book. Both girls are really into reading. Alyssa is starting to become familiar with the letters in her name, so we are going to start working with other names and words too.

Hannah Ellen

Hannah playing with the kitchen set.

Hannah had her 9 month well-baby check up on the 21st of November. She weighed in at 20 lbs. 4 oz. and measured 29 1/2 inches (75th and 95th percentiles). She also recently started cruising and got her 6th tooth. So now she has two teeth on the top and four on the bottom.


Daddy & Hannah snoozing after Thanksgiving dinner.

Alyssa reading the phone book to Dakota.

Alyssa putting on her socks, this is new for her and she gets very excited if she can get them on by herself.

Hannah all ready for bed, playing with the magnets on the fridge.

I forgot my camera for Thanksgiving this year, so this is all the pictures that I got. We went to my Aunt Deb & Uncle Jim's house on Wednesday night to celebrate Thanksgiving. Then on Thanksgiving Day we went to Mom & Dad's house. Black Friday Nichole and I were shopping at 4:00 in the morning. We shopped until about 10:00 in the morning and I was home by 11:30 with pizza for lunch. We had a blast just like every year!!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Hannah with...





Sandy & Nick

John, very sleepy girl. Ready for our ride back home.

Hannah 5th tooth broke through yesterday and she started cruising along furniture. She is a very busy little girl.


Alyssa in the playhouse.

Conner, Alyssa & Sam by the brooter house.

Watching TV

Conner, Sam, Alex, Alyssa & Stella watching a movie together.

Trampoline pictures

Daddy & Hannah

Alyssa jumping with Conner and Stella.

Alyssa in the air!!!

Daddy & Alyssa doing popcorn on the trampoline with Stella, Alex and Conner watching.

Sandy's bridal shower

Cousin Sandy & Alyssa

Alyssa & Cousin Beth

Alyssa popping bubble wrap with Aunt Joann.

Alyssa decorating the beautiful angel.

Alyssa helping Sandy with her "pretty dress".

"Princess Alyssa"

"Princess Caroline"
Great-Grandma Klein


Uncle Tony rocking Hannah to sleep.

The girls

Messing around on the Pooh blow up bed.

Both girls pretending to sleep!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Piggy tails

I was finally able to get all of Alyssa hair up in piggy tails today. She was very excited about it. It didn't last very long as she went outside and had to put up her hood, oh well, it was cute while it lasted:0)

Up close and personal

Every time I take out the camera Hannah comes straight to me. She loves getting her picture taken. Alyssa, on the other hand, is completely the opposite.

I just had to get a close up of Alyssa too.
It just took a little convincing.


Alyssa and Daddy playing Candyland after breakfast. Now that we finally opened up the Candyland game Alyssa has to play it at least once a day. She does a great job playing and understands how it works.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Happy Birthday NaNa!!!

Alyssa, NaNa, & Hannah with NaNa's birthday cake,
which was delicious!!!

Sunday, November 11, 2007


Here is a video clip of Alyssa spelling her name. We have been working on her name this last week and she has it down.


Big yawn!!!


Here is a good picture of Hannah's first battle wounds, below her right eye. She also has a little scratch in her hairline. She decided to tip the TV tray we have in her room on herself. She is pretty tough, as she hardly cried.

Climbing on the cow!!!

Water coloring

Daddy and Alyssa making a picture.
Hannah would love to get her hands in there too!!!

Alyssa Nikay

Our little sweetie!!!

Playing with her baby.
Alyssa is constantly taking care of all of her baby dolls.
She is very much a little mommy.

Doing a tree stand.

Playing in her tent with Dora and some of her stuffed animals.

Alyssa & Hannah

The girls got matching Halloween shirt for next year for a gift the only problem is that one of Hannah's shirts is a 24 month and she is already in some 18 month clothes. So, I figured they had better wear them once before it doesn't fit her anymore.

Mommy with her girls!!!

Blowing raspberries

Alyssa loves to blow raspberries on everyone's belly.
She thinks it makes the coolest sound.

Hannah Ellen

Cute as can be!!!

Little Princess!!!

Sleeping on her rug.
Hannah has a thing for rugs, she loved the bathroom rugs so much that we got a shaggy rug for her bedroom.

Feeding Hannah

Mommy & Hannah