Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The girls at Grandma & Grandpa's

Hanging out in the yard.

Daddy & Hannah

Hannah & Grandpa

Grandma, Grandpa & Hannah watching Alyssa jump.

Hannah on the trampoline.

Alyssa & Grandma playing.

Hannah playing on the floor.

Grandma, Hannah, and Grandpa saying goodbye until next month.

Alyssa and Hannah spent the night with Aunt Nancy, Uncle Kevin, Sandy, Matt and John, so Bill and I got to have some time to ourselves. It was very nice, but I missed the girls so much. That was the first time we left Hannah overnight with anyone and only Alyssa's third time. I didn't know what to do with myself in the morning, it was actually quite boring and quiet without them.
What did we do before kids???

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