Monday, October 29, 2007

Our two "Little Kittens"

This is probably the first and last year that I will get to dress the girls up the same, so I took advantage of it. Our little kitty's.

Princess Alyssa

We got Alyssa's dress in for Cousin Sandy's wedding in December. She is going to make a very beautiful flower girl.

Daddy & Mommy with the Girls

Daddy & the Girls in the fort.

Alyssa giving Mommy kisses.

Mommy and her Girls.
We finally got a good picture of the three of us!!!

Hannah Banana

Getting into the movies.

Playing with Mommy.

Looking so grown up.
Who is that little girl anyway???


Feeding her baby doll.

Playing play dough with Daddy.

Helping Daddy mount the gate.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Driving the car

Here is a video for you.
Hannah is a little crabby as she has been cutting teeth.

"Look at my hand"

Daddy covered Alyssa's hand with play dough,
she thought that was pretty cool.

Hannah Ellen

Standing under the table.

Getting into the clothes basket.

First attempt at the steps and she made it to the third step up.

Look at my mad face:o(

More of the pumpkin patch

Going for a ride to the van with all of our loot.

Here we go, hang on!!!

Daddy and the girls in the corn maze.

Hannah all tuckered out, snuggling with Daddy.

Pumpkin Patch

Our Family

Hannah & Daddy looking at pumpkins.

This is a great picture of Alyssa, it is so natural.

Looking for the perfect pumpkin.

Alyssa & Gabby

Sharing a pumpkin.

Playing in the hay bale maze.

More of the hay bale maze.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Priceless pictures

I just love these pictures of the girls.
They are both so precious.


Playing with the clothes rack.

Sitting with Daddy watching sis get a bath.

Eating breakfast.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Hannah crawling!!!

Here is a quick video of Hannah crawling to the baby doll and then sitting up.

"Look at my fort"

Alyssa hanging out in her fort Daddy made for her.

Mommy, Alyssa & Hannah in the even bigger fort Daddy made.

Hannah in the tunnel

Sitting in the tunnel.

Hannah likes this tunnel more than Alyssa ever did. She climbs in it and just sits up and will play in there. For some reason she likes enclosed spaces. She will climb under the table, a chair or in between a chair and end table, under her highchair, anything that is like a tunnel or enclosed. It's all fun until she gets suck then look out.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Hannah's cute head tilt

Hannah is so adorable. She will tilt her head in front of you if you are sitting with her or by her and watching someone or something else besides her. She is definitely a cutie.

Hannah Ellen

As soon as we got home from our vacation (Oct. 15th) Hannah started pulling herself up on the lower part of the chairs.

By October 19th just four days later, she pulled herself all the way to standing when I was putting Alyssa's shoes on. This is actually the first time she stood up. Everything happens so quickly.

A couple cute ones

Sound asleep.

Alyssa peeing in the potty chair on the way. We brought the potty chair along for emergencies and we had a few when there was just no where to stop.

The girls at Grandma & Grandpa's

Hanging out in the yard.

Daddy & Hannah

Hannah & Grandpa

Grandma, Grandpa & Hannah watching Alyssa jump.

Hannah on the trampoline.

Alyssa & Grandma playing.

Hannah playing on the floor.

Grandma, Hannah, and Grandpa saying goodbye until next month.

Alyssa and Hannah spent the night with Aunt Nancy, Uncle Kevin, Sandy, Matt and John, so Bill and I got to have some time to ourselves. It was very nice, but I missed the girls so much. That was the first time we left Hannah overnight with anyone and only Alyssa's third time. I didn't know what to do with myself in the morning, it was actually quite boring and quiet without them.
What did we do before kids???