Monday, August 13, 2007

Hannah Ellen...

Playing in her crib.

Sitting up with a little support from the boppy.

All snuggled up.
Big yawn!!!

Wearing her new hat.

I didn't think my driving was that bad. Hannah fell asleep holding on to her car seat handle.

Hannah had her 6 month well-baby check-up on the 9th of August, which was a little early. She now weighs 17 lbs. 13 oz. and measures 27 inches long. She is in the 95th percentile for both height and weight and the 75th percentile for her head. She is growing like a weed. Bill is not going to recognize her when he gets home. Did I mention that Bill is now going to be home in about 60 days, instead of 120 days. As long as everything goes as planned. We are very excited about that!!!

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