Thursday, August 30, 2007

Hannah talking

I have been trying for two days to get this video uploaded. It is kind of an old one of Hannah, but I just wanted to put a video of her on the blog also. Enjoy!!!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Alyssa's new thing.

I haven't figured out how to rotate with the new blogger video clips, so if anyone knows how please let me know. So, you will just have to watch this one sideways.

The girls...

Alyssa always wants her and Hannah and Mommy wearing hats. Luckily we have all kinds of hats at our house.

Playing in Hannah's room.

Playing with the saucer.

Alyssa close up!!!

"Mommy take my picture too."

Hannah Ellen...

Wearing her beret that Mommy found in Alyssa's old things.

Up on all fours.

Trying so hard to crawl.

Hannah discovered her teeth this week. So, she is constantly putting her tongue on them.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Our Little Princesses

Here are the girls all ready for church, aren't they just adorable.

Hannah Ellen

I just love this picture of Hannah.


Ready for church in her new princess dress.

Having a tea party with her baby doll.

Hanging out under the table.
Alyssa is officially potty trained. In the last week she has had one accident and she no longer wears a pull up at naptime. We now are working on the nighttime part. We had two nights in the last week that she woke up dry, but I am just not ready to give up that nighttime pull up quite yet. I think she will be ready in a couple of weeks.

In the swings...

Hannah loves to go to the park, so she can ride in the swing. She almost loves it as much as she loves the bathtub.

Hannah and Alyssa swinging together.


Getting ready to go down the slide.

Going down the slide.

This one is priceless!!!


More climbing.

Alyssa & Hannah

Alyssa with her new Hello Kitty backpack. She has done a great job with her potty training, so she deserved something new. Now she has somewhere to put just her things when we go places.

Hannah all crashed out. She was playing so hard that she lost a sock and fell asleep. She came down with a cold this week. It is her first full blown cold.

Hannah playing with her toys.

Alyssa showing Mommy her sticker.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Alyssa & Hannah

Bath time.
Here is a size comparison of the girls.

Hanging out.

Alyssa holding Hannah.

The girls in their pj's.
Alyssa asks all the time if she can hold Hannah.

This picture is great.
Alyssa reading one of her books to Hannah. She is such a good big sister.

Who's who????

National Gymnastics Day

Alyssa with her very first gymnastics teacher "Carrie". Alyssa looked forward to seeing Carrie every week. We were very disappointed when we heard she wouldn't be teaching classes in the Fall.

Alyssa's first tatto.

Sitting on the beam.

Hannah sitting in Alyssa's spot in the stroller. She likes it a whole lot better because she can see more things.

Alyssa jumping on the trampoline. That was the highlight of her day.

Alyssa sliding into the foam pit.

Alyssa swinging on the rings.

Hannah resting after a long morning.

Alyssa, Hannah and I spent the morning at Red River Valley Gymnastics for National Gymnastics Day. Alyssa had a blast and Hannah enjoyed watching everyone play.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Playing with PaPa

Alyssa & PaPa playing with Alyssa's tool set.

NaNa & PaPa had to come out to our house, so PaPa could lower Hannah's crib for me.

Hannah Ellen...

Playing in her crib.

Sitting up with a little support from the boppy.

All snuggled up.
Big yawn!!!

Wearing her new hat.

I didn't think my driving was that bad. Hannah fell asleep holding on to her car seat handle.

Hannah had her 6 month well-baby check-up on the 9th of August, which was a little early. She now weighs 17 lbs. 13 oz. and measures 27 inches long. She is in the 95th percentile for both height and weight and the 75th percentile for her head. She is growing like a weed. Bill is not going to recognize her when he gets home. Did I mention that Bill is now going to be home in about 60 days, instead of 120 days. As long as everything goes as planned. We are very excited about that!!!

Alyssa Nikay...

Alyssa in her car.
We have been looking for one of these cars all summer at garage sales and finally found one at the thrift store on base. Every morning after breakfast Alyssa asks to go outside and ride her car. She just loves it.

With her new patio set from LaVonne, Bruce, Marissa & MarJenna.
Thank you, I love it!!!

Cutie Pie

Wearing Mommy's glasses.

Quite the outfit.

Playing with her puppets.

Alyssa started potty training last Monday the 6th of August. She has done a great job with it, we are very proud of her. Way to go Alyssa!!!!