Sunday, May 06, 2007

So tired...

Look at that yawn.

Alyssa sleeping behind the recliner by the rails. I thought it was weird that she just fell asleep when we got home from a two hour walk at 4:00 in the afternoon. When Bill got home from work he woke her to change her diaper and her head was on fire 103 degree temp. We gave her some Tylenol and headed to the Emergency Room. The doctor said she just had a viral infection and she would just get over it on her own. We had also been to the clinic that Monday before because she wasn't feeling good and they said the same thing that it was a viral infection. Well, Sunday came and her temp finally was back to normal, but now she had spots all over her body. The first thing we thought was that it was the chicken pox, until I talked to the doctor on call and she said that it is not very common for anyone to get the chicken pox anymore. Monday the 30th we brought both Alyssa and Hannah into the doctor. Hannah was fine and didn't have anything wrong with her, but we wanted her checked out anyway. Alyssa had gotten Roseola from someone as it is a viral infection that starts with a fever and then turns into a rash. The rash only lasted for about three day and now she is back to normal. Thank goodness.

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