Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Cute little feet!!!

I love this picture of Hannah and Alyssa's feet.


First time getting her toes painted.

Ready to go bye bye.

All crashed out.

Helping hold her bottle.

Sitting at the table with everyone else.


Wearing Mommy's flip flops.



Climbing up Hannah's crib.

Daddy & Alyssa...

Wearing their helmets.

Playing a game on the computer.

Washing dishes!!!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Daddy, Mommy & the Girls

Daddy, Hannah & Alyssa

Hannah, Mommy & Alyssa

Hannah Girl...

Big smile!!!

More smiles!!!

Hillbilly Hannah

Hannah in one of her robes.

Cute as a bug!!!

Hannah Ellen
Almost 3 months old.

Alyssa Nikay
Almost 6 months old.
We will have to get Hannah a new Halloween costume since she is now fitting into Alyssa's old one!!!


Putting a puzzle together.

Climbing off Mommy's elliptical.

Saying cheese!!!

The Girls...

Sitting in the bouncy chair together.

Alyssa taking care of Hannah.

Daddy & Hannah looking in the mirror.

Alyssa in the bathtub.

Yummy chips...

Alyssa eating chips.

Friday, May 18, 2007

All dressed up!!!

Hannah our little model!!!
She is doing more and more everyday. She has now started holding her bottle and is sleeping for 7 to 9 hours through the night. That sure makes life a lot easier for Mommy and Daddy.

Alyssa in her favorite Dora outfit.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Our Family...

Hannah & Mommy playing on the floor.

Daddy and his girls!!!

Alyssa & Daddy playing in the rain.

Alyssa & Hannah

Hannah & Alyssa with the babydoll.

Snoozing in Mommy & Daddy's bed in Daddy's spot.

Alyssa helping feed Hannah.
Alyssa is such a big helper with Hannah, she is like a little Mommy.

Alyssa with Mommy & Daddy

Mommy & Alyssa playing outside.

Daddy & Alyssa under the floor in our house. Under the floor is just the right height for Alyssa to walk without bumping her head, Bill & I have to crawl.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Hannah Banana...

Just look at that smile with the tongue sticking out and those gorgeous blue eyes.
You gotta love it!!!

Tummy time

Hannah getting ready to take a bath!!! She loves her bath time.

All ready for church!!!

Doesn't Alyssa look adorable?
She is wearing an outfit she got for her birthday and her new Hello Kitty sandals. After church Auntie and Uncle came out to our house for lunch and they watched Hannah for us, so we could bring Alyssa to the Shrine Circus. We didn't get any pictures this year, but we all got to ride the elephant. I think that was a first for all three of us.

Chucky Cheese pictures...

Alyssa, Uncle Pete and Auntie KoKo after eating pizza.

Climbing through the tubes with Mommy.

Going down the slide.

Pretty happy for a sick kid...

Alyssa licking the beaters after helping make brownies.

Alyssa dancing even though she had a temperature of 104 degrees.
She doesn't let anything get her down.