Thursday, March 01, 2007

Hannah & Mommy

Here are some snapshots of Hannah and I in the hospital.
She is a very beautiful baby girl.

Well, we ended up going into the hospital a couple of days early due to me having contractions for two days. The doctor's didn't want me contracting because of my cerclage and my prior c-section, so they decided to deliver on Wednesday night instead of Friday morning. We were very thankful that her lungs developed so quickly from the 9th of February to the 21st. Hannah was one of eleven babies born on the 21st of February. We actually waited in line for our c-section, which was just crazy to me. We are just thankful that we have a another healthy, beautiful baby girl.

1 comment:

Untermeyer said...

Congrats Mommy, you look great! What precious little girl!