Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Outside, outside, outside...

Alyssa wanted to go outside so bad, so we put on her hat and mittens. She didn't end up going out, obviously it was way to cold, but she enjoyed having her hat and mittens on.

Our Little Sumo wrestler...

Alyssa just had to wear a pair of Daddy's boxers. This was the only way we could get them to stay on.

Friday, January 19, 2007

What a cutie!!!

Alyssa playing with the bathroom door in her new ducky pj's.

Cool sunglasses...

Here is Alyssa in her froggy sunglasses.

Grandpa's 85th Birthday party

Here is a picture of most of the family members that were able to make it to Grandpa Solem's 85th birthday party. It was a great turn out by family and friends. Bill & Alyssa stayed at home because we didn't want anyone to catch the flu from Alyssa.

Uncle Pat & Alyssa

Here is Alyssa & Uncle Pat looking at books. Uncle Pat came to visit us at our house before he went back to Massachusetts.


Here is the snowman that Bill built for Alyssa when she was sick. We tried to get Alyssa outside for the fresh air, but she didn't want anything to do with that. She would be outside for a total of about five minutes, then wanted to go back in the house.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Checking out the new van...

Here is Alyssa checking out our new van that we purchased. We traded in the Trailblazer for a Town & Country Touring van. I wasn't to excited at first, but now I love it. We have so much more room, especially with our next little one on the way. I know I said I would never drive a van, but I guess having children changes that.

Alyssa helping open gifts...

PaPa & Alyssa

NaNa & Alyssa
Alyssa didn't have the best vacation to NaNa & PaPa's house. She ended up getting the flu the first night we were there and had it for a week and a half. Bill & I both got it too, but ours only lasted for a day or two. We were able to make it home on the 1st of January. We are hoping the next time we go visit all of us will be in better health.

Goofy girl...

Alyssa in her new outfit from Auntie and Uncle.

Snoozing in Daddy's spot...


Saturday, January 13, 2007

Thank you, Everyone!!!


Here is Alyssa with most of her Christmas toys/gifts minus all the cute clothes and outfits that she got. We didn't have room to put all the clothing in too. We just wanted to say thank you to everyone for everything. Alyssa loves all of her presents.
We hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

Opening More Christmas gifts...

Alyssa's new shopping cart from the McWilliam's.

Food to go in her new shopping cart from Great-Grandma Lyla.

Alyssa had a blast hanging out with her cousins Marissa and MarJenna this year. We spent Christmas Day at the McWilliam farm.

Coloring with Marissa & MarJenna


Alyssa blowing her nose...

Merry Christmas!!!

Solem side Christmas

This is the only family picture we have of Bill, Alyssa and I this year. Alyssa was just not into pictures this year.

Some Christmas Snapshots...

Nichole & Kinsey

Dad with his new shovel on wheels.

Pete in his new poker shades and Nate just chillin' out.

Opening Christmas Gifts...

Daddy & Alyssa

Alyssa had a lot more fun this year opening up Christmas gifts.

NaNa & Alyssa

Here is Alyssa and NaNa feeding one of Alyssa's four new baby dolls.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Look at those big feet...

Here is Alyssa wearing Mommy's big shoes.

Happy 21st Birthday Uncle Nate...

I just love this picture of Alyssa and Nate. Alyssa giving her Uncle a big kiss.
Isn't it just adorable???

Alyssa, Santa & Daddy...

This is as close as Alyssa got to Santa this year. When we tried to get her to sit in his lap she started to cry and said bye bye. Maybe next year.

Playing at the Mall...

Alyssa had a blast playing at the mall and going down the slide all by herself.

Playing with Daddy's hat
