Sunday, August 27, 2006

Isn't she just the cutest little girl!!!

I started putting Alyssa's hair in a ponytail once in a while because everywhere we go there is always someone that thinks she is a boy even if she is wearing pink everything. She just looks so grown up with her hair pulled back. She is going to need a haircut again sometime soon. Her bangs are almost in her eyes again.
Oh I forgot to mention that Alyssa is starting to catch on to the sign language that I have been working on with her. We started when she was about nine months, but of course I got lazy with it. So, I am working on it more with her. We have a Baby Einstein video that works with the kids on a few words, also. She signs "bath" all the time and has signed "more" a couple of times, and "book" a couple of times. She has learned so much in the past couple of weeks. Alyssa will try to say any word that I repeat to her and does a great job for the most part. We are also working on the alphabet letters A through D and she almost has it down.
I got my child care license today and took my first child on the 16th of August. I am watching a little girl for a couple of hours every Wednesday and Friday and also a little boy every Tuesday for a couple of hours. I also got a call Monday the 21st to watch a 2 month old full-time for two weeks, his parents are both military and they are in the processes of PCS ing. Alyssa is great with the children that I watch and I enjoy it also.

A two minute drive...

This is Alyssa when we got home from the gym. It is about a two minute drive, I guess she played to hard in the fit and fun room.

Look what I got!!!

Here are the flowers that Bill sent me. Isn't he just a sweetheart!!!

Going down...

Alyssa now loves her little slide. When we are outside she is constantly climbing up and going down the slide.
I had my first doctor's appointment today. The doc said that everything looks good with my cervix so far. I have my first ultrasound scheduled on the 29th of August. I can't wait. Then my cerclage is scheduled for September 11th. I'm not looking forward to that, but it needs to be done. Bill's parents are going to come stay with Alyssa and I for a couple of days to help me out. I really appreciate them doing that for me:o)

Alyssa with her cousins...

MarJenna, Marissa, Alyssa and Nick

Family visiting from Texas...

Alyssa and Cousin Nick


Alyssa and Great-Aunt LaDawna

LaDawna and Nicholas came to visit all of us for a week. It was nice to finally meet Nick, he is a great kid. We can't wait to see the two of you again!!!

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Cousin MarJenna and Alyssa

Here is Alyssa with her cousin MarJenna at the McWilliam Farm.
I just love this picture of the two of them.

Just look at those tan legs!!!

Alyssa slept in her Wake Forest t-shirt because we ran out of clean pj's. Way to go, MOM. She is just too cute and check out her tan.

Check out that hair!!!

Alyssa after her bath at NaNa and PaPa's house. Running around naked as usual after a bath.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The last of the pictures for July!!!

Drinking out of Mommy's cup.
Alyssa tring to get the fish. Any chance she gets she will open up the tank and try to touch the fish.
Well, I am finally caught up to the month of August!!! Now I am only a half a month behind. I will try to posted more later today, but I'm not promising anything.

Eating Kix right out of the box!!!

Eating KIX

Something new for Alyssa

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Here is Alyssa spitting water. It is quit amusing.

Sitting in the lawn chair

Here is Alyssa sitting in the lawnchair after playing in the pool for a quite a long time.

Saying Goodbye...

Alyssa & PaPa
Uncle Ben & Alyssa
NaNa and Alyssa
Today Alyssa and I headed back to Grand Forks we had a very nice vacation with Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Pat, Uncle Ben, Cousin Alex, Julia and the rest of the family. I forgot to mention how nice the drive to Melrose was. Alyssa fell asleep half way to Fargo and slept until we were about a half and hour from Grandma and Grandpa's house. That has never happened before. On the way home she slept until Fargo, but that was okay because we got to do a little shopping!!!

Alyssa & Alex eating chocolate chip cookies!!!

This was one of Alyssa's favorite parts of the day. She just loves NaNa's chocolate chip cookies!!! If Grandma or Grandpa asked her if she wanted a cookie she would look right for the jar of cookies.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Playing in the water!!!

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Alyssa spent the day with just NaNa, PaPa and Alex, while Pat, Ben, Julia and I went to the Mall of America for the day. Alyssa decided sometime during the day that she was going to go play in the sprinkler, in her clothes and shoes. Grandpa couldn't keep her out of the water so he decided to just let her play until she was content. She had a blast!!!


Aunt Kiesha & Alyssa
Alyssa & Cousin Sam
Alyssa and Uncle Ben
NaNa and Alyssa

Alyssa & Alex

Smelling the flowers!!!
This is one of my favorite pictures of the two of them.
Alyssa spent the whole week playing with her cousin Alex.

Grandpa & Grandma with the two youngest!!!

Here is Grandma, Alyssa, Sam & Grandpa. The two youngest grandchildren, for now anyway. The newest Gruenes should be here any day now!!!! We can't wait!!!

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Alyssa having fun with her cousins

Alyssa brushing her teeth and Sam playing with the magnets.
Alyssa and Stella playing with the kitty!!!
Alyssa, Alex, & Grandpa playing with the punchball!!!


Alyssa playing in the muddy water, splashing it all around. She just loves water and would play in it all day if I let her.

Julia & Alyssa

Alyssa and I went for a short vacation to visit Grandma & Grandpa Gruenes, Cousin Alex, Uncle Pat, Uncle Ben, and Ben's girlfriend Julia from July 20th to the 25th. Here is Alyssa sitting with Julia right before bedtime.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Alyssa talking on her phone!!!

Here is Alyssa talking on her phone, which at the moment is a cup. She will use anything as a phone: cars, blocks, magnets, ect.
Sorry for not keeping up to date on the blog, I have been very busy getting both my Mary Kay and Child Care businesses off to a start. I have about 50 pictures to go through before I will be caught up. I will try to post more regularly, since is has been over three weeks since I posted last.