Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Alyssa helping Mommy with the laundry...

Here is Alyssa helping me fold her laundry. Alyssa is so funny she tries to put all the clothes over her head and she loves to carry any kind of clothing around the house.
Bill left yesterday for the desert for four months. It was very hard to see him go. This will be the longest he has been away from Alyssa. We are just hoping that the time flies by. I have to get caught up on my posting, so Bill can see pictures that he has not seen yet. By the way, Bill, Alyssa and I love you and miss you very much. Call us ASAP, so we know you made it okay.

1 comment:

Untermeyer said...

Theres just something about clothes that kids like. When I have a basket of clothes that I am folding Zachary will pull the clothes out and try to take off with them.
I'm sure the time will fly by and before you know it Bill will be home to you guys.