Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Sandbox pictures...

Daddy & Alyssa having fun in the sandbox.


Mommy & Alyssa

Just look at those serious faces:o)

New toys...

Here is Alyssa with some new toys that I picked up at a garage sale. Now we have something else to do in the backyard beside the sandbox and the swing!!!

Alyssa helping Mommy with the laundry...

Here is Alyssa helping me fold her laundry. Alyssa is so funny she tries to put all the clothes over her head and she loves to carry any kind of clothing around the house.
Bill left yesterday for the desert for four months. It was very hard to see him go. This will be the longest he has been away from Alyssa. We are just hoping that the time flies by. I have to get caught up on my posting, so Bill can see pictures that he has not seen yet. By the way, Bill, Alyssa and I love you and miss you very much. Call us ASAP, so we know you made it okay.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Alyssa in her new wagon!!!

We finally picked up a wagon for Alyssa, they didn't have the one we wanted in GF. So we got this one in Alexandria on our way home from Grandma and Grandpa's house. We have been taking Alyssa for short walks around the block every night before bedtime to get her use to sitting nice in it. The first walk wasn't so fun, she just tried to stand up, sit down, lay down the whole ride. She has gotten better every day.
We got good news today!!!
First, Bill found out that he doesn't have to leave for the desert for another week, so we get to spend one more week with him before he goes. Second, he found out that he made Tech Sergeant and we are very excited about that. We are not quite sure when he will sew it on, but at least he doesn't have to worry about testing again for a couple years!!!

Alyssa's first pets...

Here are Alyssa's pet fish. Three goldfish and an algae eater. We bought them on May 28th, the week we went on vacation and they survived the week we were gone. We put a 7-day feeder in the tank and it worked, so we still have fish!!! Alyssa loves watching them swim and she helps me feed them every morning.

Visiting with Grandma and Grandpa...

Alyssa & Grandma
Alyssa, Grandpa and Dakota.

Helping unpack...

While I was unpacking Alyssa's suitcase she decided that she would crawl into it and just hang out. Alyssa's suitcase was twice as full when we got home then when we left. I picked up so much at all the garage sales Mary and I went to the weekend before.

Alyssa with Grandma & Grandpa

Alyssa had fun at Grandma and Grandpa's house while we were there. She even had her first experience without either Mom or Dad there for over a day. Bill and I left Monday morning for the cities and were gone until Tuesday night after Alyssa had gone to bed. Bill and I went to Valley Fair, the Mall of America, to a movie and did a whole lot of shopping. We had a great time and needless to say Alyssa didn't even miss us, but we sure missed her. She didn't even know we were gone. She is definately not a clingy little girl and I think that's great.

Alyssa & Mommy

Alyssa looking at Buddy, Grandma and Grandpa's dog. Alyssa and Mommy holding the baby kitty.

Baby Alyssa

Here is Alyssa playing in the baby bouncey chair at Grandma and Grandpa's house. She almost flipped it a couple of times.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Alyssa with a baby kitty!!!

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Alyssa just loves baby kittens. Two momma cats had babies while we were at Grandma & Grandpa's house and she got to pet them. Alyssa's favorite words while there "puppy", "kit ty" and she even said "Bud dy", which is Grandma & Grandpa's dogs name. She just picks up on everything so fast.


Cousin Sandy & Alyssa
Cousin Steph & Alyssa
Bill, Alyssa and Cousin Sam playing with cars.

Congratulations Tim & Steph on your graduation!!!

Alyssa with cousins Steph and Tim.
Bill with Tim & Steph, I just love this picture. Don't you Steph?

Grandpa and Alyssa...

Here is Grandpa pushing Alyssa on the dolphin swing. We spent a week with Grandma and Grandpa in Melrose and Alyssa spent a whole lot of time outside. Needless to say she was worn out every single night we were there. She had lots of fun!!!

What a cutie pie!!!

New outfit!!!

Alyssa's new swing!!!

Here is Alyssa swinging in her new swing that Daddy hung from our front yard tree. About a week later we got wrote up from housing, so Bill moved it to the back yard. Alyssa just loves to swing, she could sit in there all day long.


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Look it's Alfalfa from the Little Rascals!!!


Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Alyssa's rocking cow...

Here is Alyssa on her cow that I picked up at a garage sale. I knew she would love it because they have one at the gym that she loves to rock on.