Thursday, May 25, 2006

Alyssa & Daddy again!!!

Here is Bill & Alyssa playing outside during our garage sale last Saturday. Alyssa has had a very eventful week. It all started out with a bug bite by her eye, which she was given Benadryl for. Then we decided to start giving her Zantac again for her reflux, we stopped giving it to her on her birthday. She has been spitty again lately. Either the combination of the Benadryl and Zantac or one or the other gave her the diarrhea. So, we stopped giving her both of them. Then we brought her to the doctor on the 16th because she has had a cold for quite a while and the doctor thinking that she had sinusitus put her on amoxacillin, which in turn gave her the diarrhea. After a couple of days of that they took her off the amoxacillin due to her reaction and her sore butt. Another doctor said that she is just fine and she doesn't need to be on any medication. Needless to say, she still has this darn cold. It has been on and off for the last 7 to 8 weeks and no one knows what is wrong with her. I think once the synagis shot wore off she is now making up for all the sickness that she never got the first year of her life.

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