Friday, May 26, 2006

We got a walker!!!

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Alyssa has pretty much got the walking thing down now. She is still a little wobbly at times or when she gets excited and decides to start running and diving at us. Yesterday for the first time she went from the floor and stood up all on her own. I will try to post another clip when she gets it mastered:o)

Playing outside!!!

We had a very beautiful day today the temp was up in the 90's. So, we were all playing outside for awhile. Alyssa got two more teeth in this week, her one year molars on the top!!!

Alyssa in a new dress.

Here is Alyssa all ready for church reading her magazine!!!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Alyssa & Daddy again!!!

Here is Bill & Alyssa playing outside during our garage sale last Saturday. Alyssa has had a very eventful week. It all started out with a bug bite by her eye, which she was given Benadryl for. Then we decided to start giving her Zantac again for her reflux, we stopped giving it to her on her birthday. She has been spitty again lately. Either the combination of the Benadryl and Zantac or one or the other gave her the diarrhea. So, we stopped giving her both of them. Then we brought her to the doctor on the 16th because she has had a cold for quite a while and the doctor thinking that she had sinusitus put her on amoxacillin, which in turn gave her the diarrhea. After a couple of days of that they took her off the amoxacillin due to her reaction and her sore butt. Another doctor said that she is just fine and she doesn't need to be on any medication. Needless to say, she still has this darn cold. It has been on and off for the last 7 to 8 weeks and no one knows what is wrong with her. I think once the synagis shot wore off she is now making up for all the sickness that she never got the first year of her life.


Alyssa and Cousin Stella playing with the magnets. Alyssa just loved being around Stella, she just wanted to hug and kiss her the whole time.
Aunt Nancy helping Alyssa with a drink of water.

Alyssa & Daddy

We went to Melrose for Mother's Day this year and spent time with family. Last Mother's Day we were in the hospital with Alyssa. This was a much more relaxing day:o)

Monday, May 22, 2006

Congratulations Cousin Troy on your Graduation

Cousin Troy and Alyssa

Alyssa & Auntie Nichole

Here is Alyssa attacking Auntie!!!

LouAnn, Alyssa, & Breanna


Alyssa & Grandpa

Here is Alyssa and Grandpa at Cousin Troy's graduation.

Alyssa & Daddy

Here is Alyssa & Bill outside picking up sticks.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Alyssa waving bye bye!!!

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Make sure you turn up the volume for this one. Alyssa is very soft spoken, unlike her mom:o)

Alyssa's new turtle sandbox!!!

Here is Alyssa playing in her sandbox for the first time. I think she had more fun watching the birds eating out of the bird feeder than playing in the sand.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Yummy that was good!!!

Alyssa shared a smoothy with Bill and I. Just look at that mustache!!!
Alyssa took her first steps, just out of the blue. She caught me off guard, I was talking to my sister on the phone and she took three steps for her busy park toy from the couch. I was so excited, I think I almost scared her. It won't be long now!!!

Look at my hair!!!

Look how much her hair has grown in just three months.

Just look how long Alyssa's hair has gotten. Her bangs are going to be in her eyes soon and she is going need a haircut.

Caught again...

Alyssa and Mommy taking a nap. We brought Alyssa to the doctor today because of a really bad cough that she picked up. Everything checked out okay, we just need to keep an eye on her. Her weight was 20 lbs. 7 oz.

The Kem Shrine Circus

Alyssa & Mommy at the circus.

Daddy & Alyssa checking out everything during the intermission.


Here is the best performance of all the elephants. We were going to get a picture of Alyssa with a clown, but she fell asleep right after the intermission. Next year will be better, when Alyssa is older and can sit for a longer period of time.

Alyssa is too cute!!!

Alyssa in her Pooh sun hat, modeling for the camera. I'm sure glad she grew out of the not smiling for the camera, now she loves it.