Saturday, April 08, 2006

Alyssa falling asleep with Grandpa G.

Here is Alyssa eating a piece of pizza and sleeping at the same time. She must have gotten tired out from all the swimming. Everyone got a good laugh watching her eat and sleep at the same time.


Untermeyer said...

This picture is soooo cute! I guess she must have had alot of fun.

Anonymous said...

We really did have a good laugh on this one. Seems so unreal for her to be able to keep on chewing yet sleeping! She just did not want to give up on her party. What a sweet heart. I hope we can get together again soon.
It is so much fun seeing her doing her "thing", investigating or exploring more of her new world. I'm sure it won't be long and she will be walking all over the place-so many new things to explore.
Love, Aunt La Vonne

Anonymous said...

What a cute picture! That is too funny that she was sleeping and eating. Looks like she had a lot of fun! I just had Brayden's B-day at Chucky Cheese! I will have a photo show up soon.