Saturday, April 29, 2006

Playing with pots from the cupboard...

Here is Alyssa playing with pots and a spoon. In the last month Alyssa has mastered clapping and now "gives you five", when you ask her to. Just this week she started waving "bye bye". What will be next???

Easter with the Gruenes side

Alyssa enjoying her Kix from her Easter eggs on the grass.
She was laying on her side, it was so cute!!!

Sam hunting for Easter eggs!!!


Our little fish...
Alyssa just loves the water.
She would swim all by herself if we let her.
She is definately a little fish!!!
Bill, Alyssa & Stella.

Alyssa with Cousins Stella & Sam

Stella & Alyssa

Alyssa & Sam


Alyssa & Sam

Our Family

Here is a picture of our family at Tony & Kiesha's wedding reception and dance.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Happy Easter, Everyone!!!

Alyssa spent her first Easter in Cavalier at Great-Aunt Karen and Great-Uncle Henry's house with family. She had a great time hunting for Easter eggs with her cousins.

Testing the grass and leaves!!!

Alyssa got her first mouth full of dirt today, she also enjoyed testing out the grass and leaves in Karen and Henry's yard. She just loves being outside.

Easter Egg Hunt!!!

Look at that grin:o)

Here is Alyssa with all of her eggs from the hunt.

Alec, Alyssa and Breanna!!!

Here is Alyssa, Breanna and Alec right before the Easter Egg Hunt!!!

Flooded fields north of the Oslo exit.

Here are some snapshots we took on our way to Cavalier today. All of these pictures were taken just north of the Oslo exit on I-29.

Alyssa and the Easter bunny!!!

Alyssa pulling the bunny's ear.

The Easter Bunny decided not to come to the mall this year. So, we brought Alyssa to the pet store and had her picture taken with a real Easter bunny!!!

More fun at the Alerus Center

Alyssa and Daddy in the fire truck, Alyssa was driving!!!

Alyssa and Mommy going down the slide together!!!

Easter Egg Hunt at the Alerus Center (Saturday)

Alyssa got four eggs from the Easter Egg hunt and she was very happy with that. She even gave two of her four eggs to another little girl that only was able to get one egg.
Here's another one!!!

What is this, Daddy???

Bill, Grandma M., Alyssa and I went to the Alerus Center for the Easter Egg Hunt. Just look at all those eggs!!!

Dave and Alyssa

Here is Alyssa with Dave.

Alyssa in some new clothes

Here is Alyssa in her new jean outfit from the Mac's.
She looks adorable and way to grown up.
Here is Alyssa in some new pj's that I picked up for her.

The Grand Forks Herald

Alyssa got into the bathroom and pulled the newspaper all apart. I am thinking about sending this one into the Herald.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Alyssa walking with her toy!!!

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Here is a clip of Alyssa walking with one of her toys. In the last week Alyssa has really gotten into walking with our help. It won't be long and she will be walking on her own. Alyssa, also, had her last bottle this past Friday night and she got her 8th tooth yesterday. Next we are going to work on getting rid of her binky and start potty training once she learns to walk on her own.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Eating a pickle:o)

Alyssa loves the taste of pickles. She makes a face every time she takes a bite, but she always goes back for more.

Birthday Girl!!!

We spent Alyssa's birthday at the mall looking around and getting her one year pictures done. Then we went to Applebee's and she had chicken strips and applesauce for lunch and a strawberry sundae for dessert.

Alyssa with all her birthday loot!!!!

Here is Alyssa with all her birthday presents!!! We just wanted to thank everyone for all the gifts and for coming to spend her first birthday with her. Everything is appreciated.

Flashback 4/3/05

It is unreal how much they change in a year.
Alyssa started out at 3 lbs. 3.6 oz. and 16 in. long, at her one-year well baby check up she weighed 20 lbs. even and measured just over 29 inches long. She is in the 33rd percentile for weight and the 55th percentile for length. She also got her 7th tooth today (4/7/06):o)

4/3/06 Alyssa's Birthday!!!!!!!!!!

Here is a picture of Alyssa and Daddy, we all just woke up for the day.
Happy Birthday, Alyssa!!!!

Alyssa playing with her new telephone.

Here is Alyssa playing with her new phone from Grandma & Grandpa G.

Alyssa & Grandpa M.

Here is Alyssa and Grandpa playing with the balloons!!!

Alyssa eating cake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Alyssa opening gifts!!!


Alyssa with all her presents!!!


Birthday cake pictures!!!

Here is Alyssa with her 1st birthday cake!!! We took pictures then had her open her presents, so she didn't get to messy at first.

Alyssa falling asleep with Grandpa G.

Here is Alyssa eating a piece of pizza and sleeping at the same time. She must have gotten tired out from all the swimming. Everyone got a good laugh watching her eat and sleep at the same time.

Alyssa's birthday party!!!

We had Alyssa's 1st birthday party at the C'mon Inn. We went swimming then ordered pizza and had cake and ice cream for dessert! There were about 20 plus family members there, we had a lot of fun celebrating!!!

Bill frosting one of Alyssa's Birthday cakes.
