Friday, March 31, 2006

Alyssa in her new Dora jacket!!!

Well, only three more days until Alyssa's 1st birthday. Where does the time go??? Alyssa has done a couple of new things this week. One is that she can go down the stairs by herself, she has been able to go up them for awhile. Second she is working on clapping, she is still a little off, but tries so hard. Third is that she is now drinking whole milk out of a cup. She started whole milk this Tuesday. Yesterday she only had 2 half bottles and today she has not had any. My goal is to have her off the bottle by her birthday. I forgot to mention that Alyssa got her 6th tooth last week. Now she has 4 teeth on the top and 2 on the bottom.


Breaux said...

What kind of big birthday plans do you guys have going on? I bet you're pretty excited!

Untermeyer said...

Wow, I can't believe she is already a year old. Time just flys by before you know it she will be starting school. Now that shes going to be a year are there any plans for another baby anytime soon??