Friday, March 31, 2006

Alyssa in her new Dora jacket!!!

Well, only three more days until Alyssa's 1st birthday. Where does the time go??? Alyssa has done a couple of new things this week. One is that she can go down the stairs by herself, she has been able to go up them for awhile. Second she is working on clapping, she is still a little off, but tries so hard. Third is that she is now drinking whole milk out of a cup. She started whole milk this Tuesday. Yesterday she only had 2 half bottles and today she has not had any. My goal is to have her off the bottle by her birthday. I forgot to mention that Alyssa got her 6th tooth last week. Now she has 4 teeth on the top and 2 on the bottom.

Looking at her book!!!

Here is Alyssa playing with her book!!!

Alyssa and Grandma

Here is Alyssa sitting with Grandma, chewing on her ties. This is what Alyssa does to anyone that holds her that is wearing a sweatshirt with strings. She thinks she needs have them in her mouth.

A visit from Uncle Pat and Cousin Tim

Uncle Pat & Alyssa

Alyssa & Cousin Tim
Tim came to GF today to get a tour of the base. He is joining the Air Force.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Update on our move

Well, we found out last week on Tuesday that Alyssa and I were cleared to go to Iceland with Bill, which was exciting news for us. Then later that same week we found out that Iceland base is closing in September 2006. So, as of right now we do not really know what is going to happen. Bill was contacted yesterday and was told to continue our out processing. Now we may be staying in GF or going to a completely different base. Only time will tell. We will keep you all updated.

Isn't this cute!!!

Here is Cousin Stella picking out Alyssa's toe fuzzies:o)

Alyssa opening her first birthday present!!!

Here is Alyssa opening her first birthday present from Mike, Missy and the kids. Cousin Stella is also helping out. Alyssa got a cute outfit and her first bubbles. Thank you!!!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Family snapshots...

Alyssa & Aunt Missy

Alyssa & Cousin Beth

Alyssa & Cousin Sandy

Alyssa & Uncle Jim

Alyssa & Uncle Tony

Alyssa & Cousin Sam

Alyssa & Sam both have their 1st birthday coming up in April!!!

Four generation picture!!!

Grandma Mary, Great-Grandma Caroline, Alyssa & Bill

Great-Grandma Caroline & Alyssa

Today we celebrated Grandma Klein's 92nd birthday.

Alyssa & Grandpa

Here is Grandpa and Alyssa.
I just love this picture, they both look so happy.

Alyssa & Daddy playing ball!!!

Here is Bill and Alyssa playing ball at Grandma & Grandpa's house. Alyssa has been able to catch the ball for quite a while now, it amazed me when I saw her doing that for the first time. She learns so quickly.

Kaylie and Alyssa

Look at those tears.

Alyssa & Emily

Kaylie came over to cut mine and mom's hair today. She brought her friend's daughter (Emily) to play with Alyssa. The only thing is they didn't want anything to do with each other. Oh and before they came over Alyssa was playing peek-a-boo with me for the first time. It was so cute!!!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Great-Grandpa Donald & Alyssa


Family came to visit!!!

Uncle Pete, Auntie Nichole and Alyssa

Alyssa and her Grandma

Alyssa watching the Sioux hockey game, she seems to think she can just stand right in front of the TV when it is on.

Bill decided to make supper for Mom, Nichole, Pete and myself. Dad was out of town on a business trip. Alyssa enjoyed having family over to her house, that doesn't happen very often.
This is a picture of Alyssa, Nichole & Daddy playing.

Our little cutie pie!!!

Alyssa had her final synagis shot this week, so now she will no longer need to get two shots every month. Yeah!!!! She also got her 5th tooth!!!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Playin' with her new toy!!!



We bought Alyssa this toy thinking that it would help her to learn to walk quicker, but that's just not the case. If you put her up in the walking side she will either dive at whoever is by her or just sit down. I guess she will learn when she is ready:o)

Thursday, March 09, 2006

March 8, 2006

Here is Alyssa playing under her saucer. The only time she really has an interest in her saucer anymore is if she can play on the outside of it. If we put her in it she last about 3-5 minutes and is ready to get out.

4th tooth is through!!!

Here is Alyssa playing with her alphabet magnets on the fridge.
Alyssa now has 4 teeth and is working on the 5th (a top front tooth). She has the two middle bottom teeth and the two fang teeth on the top. She is our little vampire:o)
I brought Alyssa to the doctor on the 6th because she has been pulling and tugging at both of her ears. The doctor says they both look great and nothing is wrong. While we were there they got her weight and height, 19 lbs. 9 oz. and 28 1/2 inches.

11 months old today!!!

Look at that adorable smile!!!


Alyssa was chilly after her nap today, so I wrapped her up in the blanket. She just sat there for the longest time.

Chillin' on the couch.

The couch is Alyssa's newest favorite toy. She loves to jump on it and tries her best to get to the blinds. We let her up there the most right before bedtime because it wears her out.

Alyssa in her hiding spot!!!


Uncle Nate came to visit!!!
