Monday, January 30, 2006

Trying to get the pictures off the fridge.

Here is Alyssa at Grandma and Grandpa's house trying to get the pictures and magnets off the fridge.

Another new food for Alyssa!!!

Here is Alyssa eating some baby toast. We have been getting more daring to have her try new foods. Besides her baby food, cereal and fruit/veggi puffs she has tried wagon wheels (like a honeycomb, but by Gerber), baby toast, natural applesauce, bananas, steamed fresh pears, grapes and small tastes of many other things that maybe she shouldn't have like ice cream, root beer floats, jello & pudding. She gets very mad if you only give her a small taste of something. It's like a tease to her.

Another baby in jail picture!!!

Here is Alyssa looking at us in the kitchen through the gate.

Alyssa playing with her musical toy!!!

Here is Alyssa having a great time playing with her toy. Sitting on her knees is the new thing for her.

Daddy and Alyssa

Here is Bill and Alyssa playing on the floor.

What a big girl!!!

Here is Alyssa trying to push/pull herself up to standing position, the basket is a little to short. You gotta love the smile!!!

Alyssa playing in her aquarium tunnel.

I decided since Alyssa is crawling now that I should probably switch her baby gym into a tunnel.

You gotta love the hair!!!

Bill gave Alyssa her bath today. He decided that she needed a mohawk hairdo. Isn't she just adorable!!!

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Alyssa with

Auntie Nichole (CoCo)
and Uncle Pete
We all went to town today to visit with family and to go shopping!!!

Alyssa playing with her toys.


Here she is crawling!!!

Here is Alyssa crawling in the kitchen. She loves to go into the kitchen because she normally doesn't get to go in there.

Little Strawberry Shortcake!!!

Here is Alyssa in her Strawberry Shortcake outfit from Auntie CoCo and Uncle Pete.
She looks so grown up in it. Alyssa's new thing is standing up, she loves to stand then sit down and try to get back up again. She doesn't quite have it mastered yet, but it won't be long.

Alyssa started crawling this week!!!

Happy Birthday Grandma Gruenes!!!
Alyssa started crawling yesterday and she is already trying to pull herself up on anything she can reach. She learns so quickly. It won't be long now and she will be standing and walking. Just a couple of weeks ago she couldn't even sit the best and now this!!!

Monday, January 16, 2006

January 16, 2006

Here is Alyssa in one of her many new outfits that she got for Christmas.
It's a little big yet, but she will grow into it very soon.

Alyssa's first time in the pool!!!

Alyssa in her boy inner tube. It was the last one at the store after summer, so I had to get it.

Mommy & Alyssa

We brought Alyssa to the base pool today. Isn't her swimming suit just cute. She had a lot of fun, but didn't like it when we dipped her under the water. Here she is with Daddy.

This one is for Jeff and Chris!!!

Bill wanted me to take this picture. He thought Jeff U. and Chris B. would get a kick out of it.

A baby in jail!!!

Alyssa managed to get herself under one of our kitchen chairs before her doctor's appointment today. I just had to get a picture!!! Then at her appointment I was telling a few people about it and she did it again in the lobby as I was talking about it.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

January 11, 2006

Here is Alyssa in her first pair of Levi's.
What a cutie!!!

Here is Alyssa in her 12 month snowsuit. It's still a little big, but it works. Hopefully this one will get her through the winter. This is her third snowsuit this fall/winter. They grow up way to fast.
Alyssa had her 9 month well-baby check up this past Monday and she weighed in at 17 lbs. 15 oz. (35th percentile) and measured 27 1/2 inches (50th percentile). With everything that Alyssa is doing now the doctor put her at a 7-8 month level, which is great. She has come along way.
Well, now that I am finally caught up on Alyssa's blog maybe I can catch up on my e-mail. We have been so busy since we found out that we got orders to Iceland. We have been running here and there for Christmas/New Year's and trying to go thru all of our things. There is so much to do when moving overseas. The most important thing is that we have been spending a lot of time with our families.

More pictures

Here is Alyssa going from crawling to sitting position. She does such a great job.

Here is Alyssa with Uncle Pete & Auntie CoCo. They spent the night at our house. We all stayed up late playing games except Alyssa of course.

We invited Mom, Dad, Nichole and Pete out for supper. Everyone was singing "if your happy and you know it" with Baby Tad and Alyssa was loving it. Here is Alyssa with Grandma & Grandpa.

This has never happened before. Alyssa actually put herself to sleep for a nap. We usually rock her when she gets crabby and we even had company at our house that night. What a surprise.

Our little cutie!!!

Here is Alyssa after a day of shopping with Mom & Dad.
I caught another smile, she is getting better with the camera.

Alyssa & Uncle Pat

Here is Alyssa saying good bye to Uncle Pat. More than likely we will not see him again before we move to Iceland. He came up the night before and spent some time with us.

More tub pictures!!!

I just love pictures of Alyssa in the tub.
She has such a good time playing with all her toys.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

January 4, 2006

We left Melrose today and headed back home after spending a great week with all of our family. We got to spend a little time with everyone. Besides everyone that lives close we got to see Ben from Germany, Pat from Massachusetts, Mark, Jennifer & kids from Texas. It will probably be quite a while until that happens again.

When we got home tonight Alyssa decided that it was time for her to learn to sit up on her own from crawling position for the first time. I was so excited. The funny thing is Bill & I were talking about her sitting up on her own on the way home from Melrose. It's like she was listening to us talk. Now that is all she wants to do. It won't be long now and she will be crawling and pulling herself up on things.

The last of our New Year's trip pictures.

Here is Alyssa with Uncle Mark saying her goodbye's.

Here is Alyssa riding around on a toy tricycle. She didn't know what to think of it. Oh and look at those cute shoes that she just got today. She doesn't really like them so much. She just tried to kick them off.

Here is Alyssa sitting with John sucking on an ice cube. Alyssa had a lot of fun playing with the ice. Thanks Aunt Nancy!!!

Look at the snowman!!!

Here is the snowman that Anna & Mark made. They did a great job.
Everyone in the picture Bill, Jonah, Alyssa & Michelle.

Alyssa & Grandma


Jonah & Grandpa

Here is Jonah getting a horsey ride from Grandpa!!!

Alyssa & Uncle Ben

Spaghetti baby!!!
Alyssa was having a lot of fun with Uncle Ben.

Here is Ben & Alyssa the night before Ben had to go back to Germany.
That's quite a face, Alyssa.

Alyssa under the table

Here is Alyssa in Uncle Ben's hiding spot from when he was a kid.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Alyssa's first time in the snow!!!

Here is Bill & Alyssa on the snowcat. We didn't take her on it, but we did have to get a picture. Look at that serious face.

Bill pulled Alyssa and I all around Mary & Tony's yard in the sled. I don't think she knew what to think about it all. She looked so serious the whole time, but she didn't cry at all. I had a great time, I don't remember the last time I got pulled in a sled.

Alyssa & Uncle Pat

Alyssa playing with Uncle Pat.

Alyssa with Great-Grandma Caroline

Here is Alyssa chewing on Grandma's ribbon. She loves any ribbons or strings that are on sweatshirts.

Some New Year's Day snapshots

Uncle Pat & Sam

I just love this picture of Sam & Great-Grandma Caroline.
I caught them both with a smile.
Sam once again with that orange ball. He is so cute.

Stella, Missy & Nick

Conner & Anna playing with the keyboard.

Bill & Sam playing with the ball.

Jonah (our godson) opening his present from us with Jennifer.