Saturday, September 10, 2005

Just waking up for the day!!!

9/7/05 What a sleepy girl. Alyssa had an NICU follow up today at the rehab center. She is doing almost everything at a 3-4 month level, except holding up her head that is at a 2-3 month level. She weighed 14 lbs. 3 oz. and measured 25 inches, which I believe to be wrong. Just one week ago she measured 23 1/2 inches. I don't think she grew 1 1/2 inches in one week. Her weight is at the 27% and height at 36%. Alyssa's head circumference is at the 47%. If her length, height, and HC were corrected for her gestational age they would be 80%, 89% & 86%. She is doing great. They gave me some pointers on how to help strengthen her neck, so we will be doing a lot of work with that.

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