Friday, September 23, 2005

Alyssa in her big girl stroller!!!

9/22/05 This is the first time we have used the bottom part of the stroller. Usually I put her in the carrier and put her in facing me. She thought this was pretty cool. She was excited to see more of the world. We walked to the bowling alley and had lunch, then we went shopping at the BX. I actually found some things at the BX.

Oh, I forgot to meantion that Alyssa is starting to help hold her bottles. She is getting so independent. She was also getting on her side today and trying to get on her belly. That is the first time that I noticed her doing that. I just helped her over that way she has a better idea how to roll over. Hopefully she will get it down soon, she gets so frustrated.

New jammies from Grandma & Grandpa!!!

Cuddly, soft pj's.

Another new outfit!!!

9/21/05 I just love these new pants, I just might have to go get her another pair. I am not to fond of the shirt the neck is so big, I think we will have to stick to Carter onesies. They fit her perfect. Doesn't she look like she is ready for school? She just looks so grown up.

My toy and my binky:)

9/20/05 She is very protective of her new toy and her binky. No one is going to take them away from her. I bought that beanie baby (Stingray) for Alyssa the day before. I showed it to her and let her touch it, then I went to put it back on the shelf she started to cry. I gave it back to her and she cried when I gave it to the lady to pay for it. She is not spoiled, I think she was just tired and she liked the feel of it because it's so soft. She also got a starfish beanie baby!!! I just love this picture.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

My Grandpa!!!

9/19/05 Alyssa just loves her Grandpa. He always knows how to make her smile:) I think he spoiled her this weekend, she has been very crabby since we got home on Monday.

Isn't this sweet

Dakota & Kinsey all cuddled up in the kennel.

Ready to go to the farm?

I just love this outfit.
She looks so grown up!!!

Sooo Pretty!!!

Oh look it's a new outfit and she already spit up on it.
Surprise, Surprise

Just Playin'

9/17/05 Mom and Dad came back from SD on Friday and they were having Alyssa withdrawls, so they invited us to to spend the weekend with them. So, Alyssa and I packed up the house and stayed at Grandma & Grandpa's house until Monday. Alyssa, Grandma and I went shopping on Saturday night and Alyssa got a new wardrobe. She really needed some long-sleeve clothes. Now she is set for a couple of months, I think. Before I know it she will be in 6-9 month clothing. It seemed like yesterday she was wearing premie clothes, where does the time go? This is a picture of Alyssa in her pack n' play.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Working on that head

I have been putting a rolled towel under Alyssa to help balance her while she is holding up her head. It really helps a lot, she doesn't get so frustrated.

Just chillin!!!

There she is again with that naughty finger up!!!

Alyssa with her bunny

Alyssa just loves playing with her toys now.
I bought her some Baby Einstein blocks the other day,
but they are a little to big for her to handle yet.
I think I like them more than she does!!!

Alyssa with her duckie

Just visiting Auntie Nichole & Uncle Pete
and of course Dakota and Kinsey.
Grandma & Grandpa were gone to SD.

Showing off that belly!!!

9/10/05 This is Alyssa's newest thing, pulling up her dress, shirt, pant leg, or whatever she can get her hands on. It is just the cutest thing.


A little smile!

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Playing with her toys!!!

Alyssa has started pulling up her dresses
and putting her bib and burb cloths in her mouth.

Just waking up for the day!!!

9/7/05 What a sleepy girl. Alyssa had an NICU follow up today at the rehab center. She is doing almost everything at a 3-4 month level, except holding up her head that is at a 2-3 month level. She weighed 14 lbs. 3 oz. and measured 25 inches, which I believe to be wrong. Just one week ago she measured 23 1/2 inches. I don't think she grew 1 1/2 inches in one week. Her weight is at the 27% and height at 36%. Alyssa's head circumference is at the 47%. If her length, height, and HC were corrected for her gestational age they would be 80%, 89% & 86%. She is doing great. They gave me some pointers on how to help strengthen her neck, so we will be doing a lot of work with that.

Relaxing after a bath!!!

5 months old today

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Cute Outfit!!!

9/1/05 Here is Alyssa playing in her crib after a short nap. She just loves her Baby Einstein mobile. Alyssa is just now fitting into some of her 3-6 month clothes. Most of the one piece outfits do not fit her yet, but she is able to fit into all her 2 piece outfits, which are for summer. I am just glad that she was able to fit in to some of them before it gets to cold.

Looks like Daddy!!!!

8/31/05 Doesn't she have such a cute smile??? I think Alyssa looks a lot like Bill in this picture. She looks a lot like Bill most of the time. Alyssa has started playing with her toys this week. She didn't have an interest in them before now.

13 lbs. 14 oz.

8/31/05 Alyssa just out of the tub. I had a doctor's appointment today, so I decided to bring Alyssa in and get her weighed and measured. She weighed 13 lbs. 14 oz. and measured 23 1/2 inches.

Playing with Alyssa

8/27/05 Grandma & Grandpa playing with Alyssa at Tim's wedding dance. We had a good time I got to dance with Alyssa and Alyssa got to dance with the groom during the dollar dance.