Sunday, January 27, 2019

The girl's last day of Italian gymnastics for the summer! (June 2018)

Alyssa with Coach Angela, Michel, & Nicola

Hannah with Coach Angela, Michel & Nicola

Rampy Park up at Piancavallo (June 2018)

More memories made!

I like how this one is focused on the tree with Hannah and Daniel in the background!

Bolzano, Italy Cable Car (June 2018)

The Cable Car we took up the mountain!
Our last stop on our week long vacation!

Heading up with the beautiful view of Bolzano behind us.
Alyssa and Daniel

Bill and I

Dad and Daniel heading back down to Bolzano.

Garmish area of Germany on a rainy day! (June 2018)

I love these little log huts!

This picture turned out pretty neat of Daniel!

Friedrichshafen, Germany (June 2018)

This was an unexpected find on our travels.  A water park off of Lake Constance, Germany's largest lake.
If you want the location click here for a FB page!

We ended up spending most of the day here!

Hannah swimming in the lake with the baby ducks.

Yummy food!  Curry bratwurst and fries!

Hannah and Daniel playing in the sand!

Warming up on the hot bench.

Perfect day for an ice cream!

Hannah feeding the ducks!

Villingen-Schwenningen, Germany (June 2018)

Exploring a new city!

Bill didn't care for the tower, so he decided to go back down.

At the top of the tower overlooking the city!

Alyssa in the flower garden!

Playing at the park!

Daniel being silly as usual!

3 monkeys!

Heading back to Triberg!

Triberg, Germany (June 2018)

Our 2nd visit to the Triberg area!

The highest waterfalls in Germany!

Off the path as usual!

Hannah and I

Our mini tripod comes in handy at times!

These three can put some miles on!

Getting ready to leave the train station.

World's largest Cuckoo clock!

We ate here back when Daniel was a baby with my parents.

I have a picture of my parents sitting at these same seats as Bill and the girls.

Zurich Zoo, Switzerland (June 2018)

Checking out the Zurich Zoo!

Our monkeys!

Watching the seals


Eating some ice cream!

Me and my favorite animal!