Friday, February 22, 2019

School pictures 2018-19 school year!

Daniel William~4th grade

Hannah Ellen~6th grade

Alyssa Nikay~8th grade

First day of school 2018-19 school year

August 27, 2018

8th grade

6th grade

4th grade


Family pictures!

Villa Pisani, Stra, Italy (August 2018)

Inside this amazing Villa!

Entrance to the maze.

We all found our way to the middle of the maze!

Padua, Italy (August 2018)

Checking out another city!

Grotte del Caglieron, Italy (August 2018)

This was the first place we visited back in 2014 when we moved to Italy.

Alyssa in the cheese cave.

Love this!

What a great view and picture of Hannah!

Love exploring with our family!

Osteria ai Poppi (Kinetic Park)~August 2018

Another fun day showing Dad the Kinetic Park for the first time!

Out for dinner & dessert in Lignano, Italy (August 2018)

Alyssa and I love some sushi!

Pizza for these three!

Ice cream at Mu!

Walking on the beach!

Aqua Splash Lignano, Italy (August 2018)

What a fun day!

Lots of hours in the sun!!!