Tuesday, February 28, 2017


I have been meaning to keep this blog up to date.  Since I posted last we didn't have anything to exciting going on up until the past couple weeks.

Bill went to Greece mid January for three plus weeks and these are the only pictures he sent us...

Life as we know it continued while he was gone with school, work, gymnastics, play practices, set calls and Awana.  Once February hit I ended up pulling Hannah and Daniel out of gymnastics for the month with all the up coming play practices and performances of the Little Mermaid.

February 4th the girls and I attended a Mom-Daughter Date Night that was put on by the chapel.  We had a lot of fun hanging out while Daniel went to a friend's house!!!

Bill got home the 8th of February!  Just in time for us to go to our first Forever For Real event put on here at Aviano!  We went with good friends of ours while the kids went to the Youth Center for a fun evening!

Alyssa also started a Bowling League that goes until the end of the school year on the 8th of February.  She is excited to get her bowling ball and bag at the end of the league!!!

Friday, February 10th Alyssa attended her first school dance ever!  She wouldn't let me take pictures at the dance, but I do have this one from a couple days prior.  She ended up wearing her black boots instead of the heels.  Her first time wearing a dress by choice in years!

After hours of dress rehearsals of the Little Mermaid we decided that at trip to Croatia for three days and two nights would be a nice break for all of us.  Pictures to come for that!

February 21st made Hannah 10 years old!  Her party is coming up soon...

Then the week of performances of the Little Mermaid February 22nd to the 25th.  Hannah and Daniel were in all four shows, but had different parts in each Broadway and West End.  Pictures to come...

The 24th of February the second grade celebrated 100 days at school...

Daniel was accepted into the Gifted and Talented (GT) class this year, he started this month!  He loves the class so far and we are excited to see him be challenged a bit more.  I love hearing about the things they are doing in class to really make them think and solutions they come up with to solve different problems.

Today is the last day of the month...where did February go?  Hannah and Daniel started back up with gymnastics with Alyssa.  We prepare for Hannah's 10th birthday party, which is going to be a sleepover!  I do have to say that is nice to not have play practice to worry about anymore, we have our afternoons back and life is good!!!