Monday, January 16, 2017

First trip up the mountain to enjoy some snow this winter!

Favorite part of the trip, nothing beats a fort of  rocks covered in snow to hide out in!
Danny Boy!!!

Can you tell they are excited for the snow?

Enjoying the cold weather and the snow!


Dad and Daniel sledding down the hill!

Daniel's 8th Birthday Party!!!

Daniel's Ninjago Birthday!!!
The crew jumping on the trampoline

Daniel with his gifts!

Time for some cake!

We had Daniel's 8th birthday party this past weekend!  He had a great time with all his friends!  It was his final big party, now we are on to sleepovers for all three of the kids!  Yay for mom and dad!!!

Monday, January 02, 2017

Merry Christmas 2016 from our Family to Yours!

Our family tradition to take a picture by the Christmas Tree!

I love torturing the kids with Christmas pictures!

Merry CHRISTmas!!!

Daniel with his goodies!

I think she is ready to tear into her gifts!

She is getting so grown up!

Bill with his loot!
Presents from the kids and Bill are my favorite!
The kids with the Italian Santa Claus...

This is the San Quirino tree in our center of town!

It looks like they were good!  Santa was here!!!

Jesolo at Christmas Time~December 21, 2016~

Our second time going to the Sand Nativity!
Check out that sunset!

Checking out the Christmas Market!

Checking out the stands!


Riding the carousal!

Being silly :)

Verona, Italy~December 20, 2016~

Arche Scaligere

Outside the Roman Arena!

Inside the Roman Arena!

Outside Juliet's house!

Bill and Daniel by Juliet...

The door of locks!

Rubbing Juliet's right breast is suppose to be good luck!

Christmas time!

Love this!

Hannah by Arco dei Gavi

The draw bridge to Castelvecchio!

Check out that view!

In Castelvecchio!

Bolzano, Italy~December 19th, 2016~

They got the "Iceman" tour!
I highly recommend this museum!
Beautiful church!

Warming fingers on a very cold day!

Checking out the Christmas market!

Hannah and I

Inside the church...

Ice skating!

Skating around!

Going for a ride!

Our hotel in Nallis!